Guess the Movie

Didn't Jerry Mcguire have a little finger cutting scene, with a cigar cutter? Or is my drug induced dementia showing through again?
:D seem to know everything...:D

I loved this movie btw :D

O crap, I NEED to give a's SUCH a great dialog, I can't resist!

doctor *nod*
doctor *nod*
doctor *nod*
doctor *nod*
doctor *nod*
doctor *nod*
doctor *nod*
doctor *nod*
doctor *nod*
doctor *nod*

Some people with think I'm weird...and yes, I am weird :D
But it was a great scene :D
Shadowfax said:
:D seem to know everything...:D

I loved this movie btw :D

O crap, I NEED to give a's SUCH a great dialog, I can't resist!

I spent a lot of time watching movies when I was in Saudi Arabia for 90 days. There was nothing else to do except movies, work, eat, and sleep...with exercise thrown in every other day or so...
What's up Solo not playing? You clearly knew that one. Or have you been getting googly on us because you couldn't stand just not knowing?
Ok let's see if there are any film scholars in the crowd. This one hopefully will be slightly more difficult.

"You know, Mr. Bernstein, if I hadn't been very rich, I might have been a really great man."

If you google on this one you'll wake up screaming, drenched by the sweat of your guilt.
hehehe ... my respect for him has gone up too .. perhaps I should give him a week of being bitchslap-free? :D

damnit - I know this one .. I do ... *gr*... *thinking*
damnit .. I know I know this one ... it's an old movie ... it's even mentioned in an episode of "Happy Days" but I can't[/b] for the life of me recall the title!!!! *pulling out hair*
I believe in curses alright. God said to Adam & eve in Genesis 3:14 Cursed are you. I will put enmity between you and the women, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel
Who can deny that this has been the relationship between man and woman for the past six thousand years.
(knowing full well i might get that third bitchslap for quoting the bible) :D
I'm a religious studies major and I study the bible as a piece of literature .. no bitchslapping here .. plus, you speak the truth :D ..
i am gonna guess it is that crappy christmas movie they play.

it is a wonderful crap....i eman its a wonderful life.