Guess the Movie

Someone else take it as I don't have the time to be online at the moment. This is just a little stress relief. :)
It's gotta be more obscure than that, freako. Whoreable likes strange comedies. I'm guessing something from Kids in the Hall, because they're wierder than most, but I didn't know they made any movies... :shrug:
whoreable said:
SFW?? what is that?

You would agree that Paris is the capital of France? Good then we are back in agreement.

it stands for so fucking what its a movie from i think the early 90s(maybe 95 or later too i cant remember). i hadnt seen it myself but i knew about it
Scientist: I've invented a pill that gives worms to ex-girlfriends. Don: Uh, right, and what's positive about that? Scientist: Well, it's a pill that gives worms to ex-girlfriends. Don: Couldn't it also give worms to ex-boyfriends? Scientist: This is a drug... for the world... to give worms to ex-girlfriends. Don: Well, great. Thanks for stopping by. Scientist: You just don't get it here! Huhoooo!