Guess the Movie

dunno, and i'm not about to imdb or google it either.
guess i'm waiting for the scantster :)
:crap: ...hmmmmmmmaaeergh... (that's me thinking)

Not really, no.

Okay, here's another clue:

There was a very famous person in it...mixed with not so very famous people. And when it came out, everyone was surpised what happened to him.

This isn't the most obvious film in the world, by the way. It's not obscure at all though, and I thought it was good (and I hardly ever say that).
I hope someone gets it soon because we are *way* over the time where the answer was supposed to be given up. :)

I even googled it just to see what it was and I can't find it! Bah!!
Okay, okay.

Here's another clue:

Duh da duh da duh da duh da duh da duh da duh

ohhhhhh yeah, that's a tough one.......i don't know why i instantly thought of empire strikes back (i must be crazy) :confuse3:

you loon!! you couldn't be any more wrong. so wrong.


ok, right.

i'm still thinking of one...
You guys get that I was joking right?

Can't have you thinking I'm a complete donger!

p.s. Hurry up ris, you ho'.

i's a ho, i's a ho....


all I want to do is graduate from high school, move to europe, marry christian slater, and die. now that might not sound too great to a sconehead like you, but I think it's swell.

someone will probly get it in about 30secs :)