Gun Control (funny)

funtioning and usable public transporation

Hahahahaha :D

That's SO funny :D :rofl:

No, we don't really have that...they say we do, but believe me, we don't :D

*snickers* useable public transportation....hehehe :D
RD_151 said:
Look at the bright side, at least you have funtioning and usable public transporation! Thats always a plus. Here you MUST drive, in most areas.
I prefer driving thank you very much, I don't want to depend on the government to move me around.

I should really stop making comma splices, its very bad grammar, such as this sentence.
i'd use public transportation if it worked and in many european cities i have found it affordable, efficient and easy to use. when the money needed goes into the systems here in the uk it will be fine. until then i'm stuck rattling around in my polo :)
Yeah, I really wouldn't wanna give up my car either. Although, sometimes with the hassles of parking I might consider it.

I was just trying to point out the "bright side" for Shadowfax. I mean if there is one.
i don't know whats worse for her, the ickle car thats not really designed for motorways but does them anyway or my drving.

I think the US should raise the federal gasoline tax to the world average. All money received needs to be doled out to public transportation, and state taxes will be raised .1 cent. No more taxation at the state level will be allowed, and no more percentage of a cent tax will be permitted. I shouldn't have to carry a calculator to figure my gas milage based on my fuel consumption. ;)
i thought there might be a topical reason for it, or some fabulously interesting piece of research you wanted to share.
23. Ordinary people in the presence of guns turn into slaughtering butchers but revert to normal when the weapon is removed.

Hell, I know I do!