half-ton man drop 321 pounds...


<b>mod cow</b>
Half-ton man drops 321 pounds, and still counting

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 Posted: 10:50 AM EDT (1450 GMT)

SIOUX FALLS, South Dakota (AP) -- A man who once weighed more than half a ton has lost 321 pounds under the care of a team of doctors and hopes to lose 450 pounds more.

link to heavy stuff

the guy was admitted to the hospital, weiging more than 1,000 pounds. ok, he blames it partially on genetics, which is probably part of the problem. obesitas is also a genetic problem. what i don't get is that, if you weigh for example ~500 pounds, you don't seek help. same goes for the wife and friends...let's be honest: if you're 500 pounds (a lot less is unhealthy already) you SEEK HELP and try to lose weight.

now things are going to cost millions, you're ruining your own life (see the stated problems) and giving yourself a damned hard time, with problems that are partially irreversible as well... *shakes head*
*Shakes head*

I've never understood how people could allow themselves to get that big. I've got a sister-in-law that is approaching 400. We tell her all the time she needs to do something about it, but she just lets it go and complains about her knees and back hurting when she tries to excercise. Duh.
PuterTutor said:
*Shakes head*

I've never understood how people could allow themselves to get that big. I've got a sister-in-law that is approaching 400. We tell her all the time she needs to do something about it, but she just lets it go and complains about her knees and back hurting when she tries to excercise. Duh.

Sounds like a cousin of mine. Fortunately she recently retired and is wanting to dedicate the next year to "health improvement", but I wonder how much exercise will be done with the aches and pains she has.

Tell you what, though, she's wanting to get a swimming pool installed for low-impact therapy and weight loss, which is really the way to go! I hope she does it for her own sake.
Sister-In-Law did that two years ago. She can't get up the ladder. Now she wants steps built so she can get in and out of the pool.
What defeats me is how anyone can afford to get that big. At that size, they're eating $1000 in groceries a month, and aren't capable of working. Who's paying for all that fucking food to keep them that fat?
Have a cousin through marriage like that. Keeps getting bigger and bigger. She even goes to fat camps, loses a few pounds and then goes back to the way she used to eat and gains it all back and more.
Lady who lived across the street from me was well over 400lbs. Got her stomache stapled...she's now at 140. Then again, once it was physically possible for her to begin biking..she did.

She looks great
MrBishop said:
Lady who lived across the street from me was well over 400lbs. Got her stomache stapled...she's now at 140. Then again, once it was physically possible for her to begin biking..she did.

She looks great

Yeah, sometimes when you're so big you need something medical like getting your stomach stapled :)

Some people don't seem to realize though that that is a way to START losing weight...that you still have to exercise and eat good food...just because one chocolate bar fills you up for 5 or 6 hours doesn't mean that you can eat a chocolate bar everytime you get hungry and nothing else!

Good for her I say!!
Professur said:
What defeats me is how anyone can afford to get that big. At that size, they're eating $1000 in groceries a month, and aren't capable of working. Who's paying for all that fucking food to keep them that fat?

Lawsuit? :D
Professur said:
What defeats me is how anyone can afford to get that big. At that size, they're eating $1000 in groceries a month, and aren't capable of working. Who's paying for all that fucking food to keep them that fat?

*In no way excusing thier behavior*

Crappy cheap food is higher in bad stuff & more prone to make one fat than decent stuff. :shrug:
Luis G said:
I wonder if the guy is bullet proof

In which way? I'm sure that bullets will penetrate, but as to whether they'll hit anything vital would depend upon the round. I'd say he's relatively safe from small-calibre handguns (.22, .25, .32, and maybe .38), but anything larger, or a round of any size from .22 and up from a rifle, would put him in a world of hurt.
at least my weight gain is because of the i-have-two-children-under-the-age-of-2-and-i-didn't-lose-my-pregnancy-weight-gain-yet principle :D
kuulani said:
at least my weight gain is because of the i-have-two-children-under-the-age-of-2-and-i-didn't-lose-my-pregnancy-weight-gain-yet principle :D

well, he can't use that excuse, that's for sure :D
would have been a whole lotta kids as well...:eek: