Halloween Costumes

Jack O'Lantern in 4 easy steps

1) draw a pattern on paper
2) Empty pumpkin and draw pattern on pumpkin
3) Cut out pattern
4) Light from inside

3a - cut finger
3b - get bandaid
3c - clean blood off of pumpkin
3d - redraw parts of pattern you just wiped off when cleaning pumpkin
3e - prop up bits with toothpicks
3f - pull broken toothpick out from under fingernail
I expect the kids will carve theirs when they get home from school. I picked up some random colour, strobing lights from the surplus shop for them, instead of the chem-lites I usually used. Although the red chem-lites always went over a storm.
I expect the kids will carve theirs when they get home from school. I picked up some random colour, strobing lights from the surplus shop for them, instead of the chem-lites I usually used. Although the red chem-lites always went over a storm.

I've got a goodly collection of Party-lite tea lights (in assorted colours and odors) that I can use ;)

I like the flickering candle look. :D
Cool pumpkin Bish! I like the candle look too. I use deeper set candle holders though with the tea lights so that the wind doesn't blow them out. Has worked for a few years now. Can't say my pumpkin looks anything like that though. Mine is pretty simple.
Too windy here abouts. At the trailer too, they were always getting blown out.

Kevin gave me a few chem lights...the green one that I used last year on one of the pumpkins gave it a particulairy eerie glow, but it didn't cast enough light and didn't flicker. :shrug:

I've used a clear plastic glass from the BBQ leftovers, with a 'chimney' cut at the top to protect the votive candle before.

It's not bad at all :)
I usually drop in 2 or 3. Hanging opposing colours behind each eye works well too. One red eye, and one green .

But these strobes were only .99c each. Couldn't pass them up
Addison. I said surplus store. Good thing I bought extra. I wound up giving out a few as well as candy. One little harry potter came around just as I was closing up and asked if he could have one. He and his little brother profitted from that old saying "The early bird may get the worm, but it's the second mouse who get's the cheese."

And I gave a couple to the little girls next door, under pretext of them being safety lights.
Naw, jsut didn't want her to feel obliged to give my kids anything in return. Left the price tags on too. Girls didn't know or care, they just liked the flashy light thingy.
My kids..

It was -12 here - Joey has his snowsuit on under his costume and he didn't want to paint his face - so he looks like a healthy zGrim Reaper :D.

Jon's Mom made him this sign (I laughed my head off)
Cute! I love the sign! :D

Marlowe was doing the trick or treat for unicef thing (the whole Daisy scout troop was doing it). She had the hardest time saying unicef...."Trick or treat for unisex!"