Happy Anniversary paul_valaru!!!

Uki Chick

New Member
We've made it two years married, coming up on the 10 year mark together. Wow time flies!

Just wanted to wish my honey bunny a happy anniversary and many more wonderful years together.

I love you baby!!! :heartred: :toast: :hug: :love: :kiss:
Goodness to me... I really thought forums were the domain of the "terribly bored at work" (like me!) "the sad and lonely" or "the married and hating it"...

Ya live and learn... congratulations guys! :kiss:
Two years? Happy anniversary!

Me and the BF celebrated 10 years (of sin;)) earlier this year, but didn't get around to doing anything special. :mope:
happy anniversary!!!

I'm at just over 11 weeks of sin and loving it :D not livingtogether...but you know... :p
Uki Chick said:
Happy six months of sins. We had 7 1/2 years of sins. He finally made the plunge and made me an honest woman, I think......
unfortunately in my experiences, honesty has nothing to do with marriage and i think that we are happy with our sinful living arrangements. :D
what did you two do to celebrate?