Happy cows


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
my ass...

Newly installed Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer said "appropriate actions will be taken" against Hallmark Meat Packing Co. of Chino, Calif., if it violated food safety and animal cruelty laws.

Video footage showed workers kicking, shocking and otherwise abusing "downed" cows — considered too sick or injured to walk — to force them into a federally inspected slaughterhouse.
This shit goes on in many slaughterhouses and not just beef ones. It's pretty well documented.
Since great cheese comes from happy cows, I guess that's where store-brand American cheese slices come from.
They taste every bot as good as the other cows. If properly prepared.

actually they don't. stressed animals have a different chemical makeup (hormones and what all) and don't taste as good. Foodies are well aware of this as are the scientists at big meat companies.
So we need to engage bovine psychologists to assist the heiffers as they enter the chamber of death, to ensure they are of clear mind and are thinking happy thoughts? I got a psych degree, wonder what that'd pay?
actually they don't. stressed animals have a different chemical makeup (hormones and what all) and don't taste as good. Foodies are well aware of this as are the scientists at big meat companies.

I can't think of a single deer steak I've eaten that came from a happy Bambi, but they all tasted great to me.
I just don't see the problem with product on the way to slaughter.
Just like in the chicken industry.

Don't look if you don't want but let do them job the way they can deal with it best.:aheadbng:

I understand things like mistreatment of pet only type animals, and agree
whole-heartedly with the laws there, but this is different, and these people
have to work there everyday, and I think they deserve some cutting of slack.
Yeah, let em torture the fuck out of whatever the hell they want! :aheadbng:

Especially the sicks ones. Get in the grinder already! Zap...zap.
I can't think of a single deer steak I've eaten that came from a happy Bambi, but they all tasted great to me.

not to say that deer in the wild don't experiences certain stresses, but how many of those deer lived on a supercrowded feed lot?



And then, how many times do we see where people are being encouraged to hunt deer to thin the herd so the rest can have enough to eat?

I don't eat venison, so it ain't nothin to me, but still. Hungry is hungry whether there's a fence or not.
So we need to engage bovine psychologists to assist the heiffers as they enter the chamber of death, to ensure they are of clear mind and are thinking happy thoughts? I got a psych degree, wonder what that'd pay?

i'm sure you could sell that idea to some green-minded weenies, but would you be able to resist pummeling them instead?
How many cows are left to drown on their own blood from a 1" hole punched through their chest?

wow didn't know many people hunted deer with a .100 caliber rifle. buttstock must really leave a nice bruise. :drink:

yeah death is of course stressful. it's longer term stresses that impact taste that are more readily manageable. however the folks that care about this stuff the most put a single bullet directly into the brain to kill most quickly.
hmmm yeah i figured you were either going to try to tell me that a 12 gauge slug leaves an inch round hole or mention broadheads. in the latter case i don't really think of a "hole" as such which at least implies a rounded, consistent wound track, but a orthogonal incisions projecting from a smaller center "hole."

in other words, you keep getting the wrong hole.
hmmm yeah i figured you were either going to try to tell me that a 12 gauge slug leaves an inch round hole or mention broadheads. in the latter case i don't really think of a "hole" as such which at least implies a rounded, consistent wound track, but a orthogonal incisions projecting from a smaller center "hole."

in other words, you keep getting the wrong hole.

Keep trying, minkey, keep trying. You're only making yourself look sillier. I'll continue to refrain from pointing out the comedy of your earlier .100 caliber comment. I'm sure everyone's already getting in trouble laughing without that to add to it.