Happy cows

e.coli is in the gut? really? how was that salad?

i didn't realize "more likley to be ruptured during processing" and "already ruptured and tainting the meat from the insides" are essentially the same statement. hmmm. i musta been skippin' school that day.

there could be process-related stuff going on here, jim. lame-ass cattle might not physically fit on processing equipment in the same ways. who the fuck knows? but there could be reasons other than some kinda plot to discourage the use of downer cattle by those with obscure motives.

in any case, it's not clear where this 58x figure comes from.

possibly from research data collected in britain, one might guess.

in any case, weaker, sicker cattle are most certainly suceptible to additional pathogens at a significantly higher rate than robust - and, yes, happy - cows.

you eat all the downers you want to. and wash 'em down with coors light.

i'll eat the carefully-sourced shit i want to, bloody as all hell. cuz i'd rather eat a cleaner cow than have cook the fuck out of a dirty one. but, then, i like to enjoy my food.

ya know there's a special chicken they got now in japan that's meant to be served as sashimi. you should get on that one.
ya know there's a special chicken they got now in japan that's meant to be served as sashimi. you should get on that one.

yeah those japan people like living dangerous anyway eatin' like that blowfish and other wild raw fish, oysters...
e.coli is in the gut? really? how was that salad?

Only that there are cases where vegetables have become tainted and have caused the deaths of humans. If a dog or cat ate the same thing it would feel absolutely no effect. A human would, at the very leats, be made very sick.

i didn't realize "more likley to be ruptured during processing" and "already ruptured and tainting the meat from the insides" are essentially the same statement. hmmm. i musta been skippin' school that day.

I was saying that if they are, as the statement reads "Downed cattle also are more likely to carry ..." then it is a systemic problem. That we know is not true. The cows are not going to get ill from what already exists in their gut simply by ingestion. Cattle are not real particular where they void their bowels and if it happens to be on or near some edible grass, well, ces't la vie. They, or some other cow, are not going to become ill by eating that grass.

That leaves only an internal problem which would then make that cow likely to have a systemic problem through injury, eating barbed wire, etc. Other than that, how would they get an E.coli infection on a systemic level? I would appreciate an answer to that question, by the way.

there could be process-related stuff going on here, jim. lame-ass cattle might not physically fit on processing equipment in the same ways. who the fuck knows? but there could be reasons other than some kinda plot to discourage the use of downer cattle by those with obscure motives.

The cows go through a chute where a pneumatic hammer whacks them in the brain killing them instantly. There are plenty of examples of how cows are killed on youTube. The Jews kill them by slitting their throats through the carotids as this is the Kosher method. This ois also the way people in most countries kill large livestock. Well, there is that scene in "Apocalypse Now".

in any case, it's not clear where this 58x figure comes from.

Could be made up for all I know. One would have to believe that if one were to test 59 downers that 58 would have BSE.

possibly from research data collected in britain, one might guess.

Could be. The ones spouting this BS failed to give any sources because they consider themselves infallible and beyond reproach and that everyone should simply everything they say.

in any case, weaker, sicker cattle are most certainly suceptible to additional pathogens at a significantly higher rate than robust - and, yes, happy - cows.

True. This is, however, also true of any and all species. I do not believe that there is any species which gets stronger the sicker it gets.

you eat all the downers you want to. and wash 'em down with coors light.

I have no problem with cooking my meat sufficiently to kill ALL of the bacteria of ALL types. I don't drink Coors and I don't drink "lite" anything. If you ever get here I will intro you to the best beer you have ever tasted and it ain't made by Coors.

i'll eat the carefully-sourced shit i want to, bloody as all hell. cuz i'd rather eat a cleaner cow than have cook the fuck out of a dirty one. but, then, i like to enjoy my food.

Switch to Kosher meats and you can put to rest any concern you ever had about the quality of your meats.

ya know there's a special chicken they got now in japan that's meant to be served as sashimi. you should get on that one.

I don't eat anything raw that was once an animal. Sushi has parasites that I am not willing to take into my body.
I Love my pork, but I tell ya, if you've ever sluaghtered, and butchered one,
you don't know how it'll impact ya.
I usually can get my mind right to eat it for about 2 years until the smell and site fade.:barfonu:
USDA Recalls 143 Million Pounds of Beef From California Slaughterhouse

Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer said his department has evidence that Westland did not routinely contact its veterinarian when cattle became non-ambulatory after passing inspection, violating health regulations.

"Because the cattle did not receive complete and proper inspection, Food Safety and Inspection Service has determined them to be unfit for human food and the company is conducting a recall," Schafer said in a statement.

The local school district my paper covers took all beef off the menu because of the abuse stuff against that company. I'd post a link, but we just switched to a new Web site and it wiped out the entire archive.