New Member
Think a little longer on that, and I'll explain it to you if you just can't get it.
I'm all ready. Proceed.
Think a little longer on that, and I'll explain it to you if you just can't get it.
try this - stick your finger in your butt, and swizzle it around. rub your fingers and hands all together, then massage some lettuce. use it to make a salad. see what happens.
I'm all ready. Proceed.
Did you read what I posted?
Is this "firsthand" research on your part?
I dunno. What people do when they're not being observed says more about their character that what they do in public.
I think the system should be lenient.
Well this thread has degenerated into name calling and uselessness.
yeah and then you asked about vegetables, which as far as i know, ain't got bowels or bladders. so it appeared that you were a bit confused. maybe your comments sounded so incoherent that some kinda snarky poo reference was in order? maybe you believe that organic vegetables are routinely smeared in entrails?
"it's not my job to be as confused as nigel is."
What I said on the vegetables was:
If the above statement is true -- that being ""Downed cattle are 58 times more likely to carry mad cow disease than other cattle. Downed cattle also are more likely to carry other food-borne illnesses like E. coli and Salmonella, which kill hundreds of Americans every year," -- then how come people are getting diseases from organic foods and vegetables? Mad vegetable disease?
I thought everyone was aware of this story because it was all over the news.
Guess you missed it based on your response.
your statement was ridiculous. part B does not follow from part A. reread it a few times. meat? vegetables? infectious disease? nude conspiracies?
jimmy flosses his teeth every day. why did my ninth grade geometry teacher have bad breath? (well, because he was british and had the corresponding dental hygeine habits, but that doesn't tell us anything about jimmy, a little boy in montana, who dreams that someday he can become a fireman and slide down big poles)
yeah, i know about the spinach.
So you believe that a downer cow is actually 58 times-- THAT'S FIFTY-EIGHT TIMES -- more likely to have Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) even though the only case ever recorded in the United States was a cow which came from Canada. Remember, this thread is about a slaughterhouse here in the United States.you're absolutely right, sick animals are no more likely to carry pathogens than healthy ones.
you're absolutely right, sick animals are no more likely to carry pathogens than healthy ones.