Has anyone else noticed the expansion of the entitlement attitude?


Well-Known Member
We all know that there are handicapped spaces for those with disabilities. There are volunteer handicapped parking patrol persons who cruise parking lots all day seeking out the ne'r-do-wells who take the entitled parking spaces from those who are entitled to them.

But recently the entitled parking spaces have been expanded to include senior citizens, pregnant mothers, and families with strollers.

At the local coffee shop, there are spaces designated for those over the age of 55. At the local department store there are spaces designated for pregnant mothers and families with strollers.

These parking spaces are, of course, right at the front next to the main entrances.

So what will the next entitled parking space be? The obese? Lazy teenagers? Blind drivers? (Should be no lack of those. We all see them every day not seeing us.)

So what special group of drivers and non-drivers would you designate as deserving their own entitled parking space?
You're right, screw the old people and expectant mothers! We should make 'em carry our shit out to our cars which we then park on their lawns!

As long as these parking spaces are provided by private entities using thier resources on thier property, it's nothing more than an irritant to keep the white guy (and all the not so white guys) down.

When it becomes law is when the issue is problem. Expectant mothers, I can see. The rest should get over it.
Here by law you have to have handicapped parking spots. (I have no problem with that)
I have seen parking spots for pregnant women. (I also have no problem with that, if it is a store that has stuff for pregnant women, thus there would be a large number of them coming, this includes walmart)
I have seen "family parking" (I have a problem with that, if you can't walk with a stroller to the door, get a babysitter)
Over age 55? Seniors, I can see... pregnant mothers and those with babies in tow, sure.

Basically, it comes down to this. Parkingspaces are shrinking in size faster than cars are. It's tough getting in and out of your car on the best of days. Worst yet, it some idiot parks over the yellow line next to you, and you'd better be in Olympic shape to get in our out of your own car without scratching something or herniating something.

The wider spaces are good if you've got to deal with a cane, walker, wheelchair, stroller etc... Believe me when I say that the extra foot of space is MUCH appreciated. Stores know this...and know that the population is aging and being replaced. It's good business.

*There is at least one malls with spots for war vets, that I know of.
Who cares? Walking's good for you if you have nothing to impede you from it. Quit your bitching. Besides, the further out you park the less chance you have of some bastard running a shopping cart into your car.
I think there should be a special zone... right way back away from all other cars... totally isolated... with a parking space size gap between the spaces... for the "I only drive my partner's car on the weekend and have even less spacial awareness than a regular lass!" female drivers!!

We all know that even though these are private corporations doing this, some bleeding heart will drive in there eventually and say "What a wonderful idea!" and start lobbying for them to become law.

It will start as a "suggestion" and will end up as a mandate.
It will start as a "suggestion" and will end up as a mandate.

And America will suddenly become more like Nanny State UK...

Happens here all the time!

There'll be ass wiping legislation here soon to stop "needless child suffering"... Its getting serious!
I still don't see what the problem is, Jim. if you have need for a close up spot you will get one. If you are a healthy unimpregnated individual your ass can walk and you should be glad you are able to. I simply don't see where begrudging someone a closer parking spot due to a viable situation in their life is anything but sour grapes.
i've parked in the expectant mother spaces :-x

sometimes there's nowhere else to park!

but i do frequently notice people with entitlement issues... oh man, i was at the mall the other day, and this lady did NOT know how to use a mcdonalds. the way this one works was that people would line up at the counter at the registers... if 3 registers were open, there'd be 3 lines, dig? but this woman with a stroller and two kids was kind of hanging in this weird no-man's land at the counter BETWEEN lines, not in one at all. every time it became someone's turn to order, she would sigh exasperatedly and mutter, "i was next"... at one point, she told an employee "you need to open another register".... no, bitch, you need to get in GODDAMN LINE. it got to the point that she ended up just cutting in front of some lady, accusing the lady of being the one cutting in line -- "excuse me! i'm next! you're cutting in line!!!!", all accusative, and the lady just backs off like, "WTF".
what the lady with the stroller was thinking, i determined, was that if she loosely arranged herself somewhere in the vicinity of the counter, all the employees would note that she got there before or after the other people, and call everyone in order... right? wtf! there are lines! open your eyes, assess the situation, and get in one!
haha, she sounded american... maybe i should move to the UK, i queue "repeatedly and unnecessarily" as well! if there's no line, i get kind of panicky inside.
haha, she sounded american... maybe i should move to the UK, i queue "repeatedly and unnecessarily" as well! if there's no line, i get kind of panicky inside.

Yah... me too... what is that?

Some weird shopper's herding instinct?

Maybe its cos I use public transport... and no one wants to evoke the wrath of the free travelling OAP! :roll2:
i think for me, it's just that i love order. if there's an instructional sign, i want to read it. i love following the rules of the road, and get mad when someone with the right of way transfers it to me, because it fucks with the order of things... stuff like that. everything has to make sense, and if it doesn't, i don't know what to do!
I still don't see what the problem is, Jim. if you have need for a close up spot you will get one. If you are a healthy unimpregnated individual your ass can walk and you should be glad you are able to. I simply don't see where begrudging someone a closer parking spot due to a viable situation in their life is anything but sour grapes.

oh what would there be without the whining? hardly nothin, fo shizzle.

i'm usually happy to let someone more fucked up or lazier than i am have their close-in parking spot. i usually park toward the back of the lot anyway to avoid the slugs trolling for spaces, gettin in my way beyotches.

though at some point i suppose i do have some moral reservations about extending a handicapper parking tag to someone who just got fat as shit and has reduced mobility because of it.