Has anyone ever tried...?

Hm, I don't usually wear boots. At home etc., I go barefoot, in the summer and fall I wear sandals (even if I wear jeans, and no freaking socks), and in the cold I wear sneakers/boots. And I would never wear wooden "shoes". lol. What an idea.
I don't even own shoes, or sandals, or anything. I keep meaning to buy some, but never make it to the store :shrug:
insert penis here said:
Yeah... even if you don't have the condition I have you can induce super-ventricular tachycardia by drinking too many Vodbulls. :)

please tell me you're kidding. What is it in Red Bull that is supposed to induce a heart arrythmia? I've never heard of such a thing. You have SVT? That shit sucks.
i suspect what causes the heart problems is the caffiene, sugar, additives, colouring, taurine, glucose etc. the sugars and caffiene in particular will knacker your ticker.
But in someone who doesn't have a condition? Sure, it might elevate your heart rate but SVT is sustaining over 140(?) heartbeats per minute for long lengths of time. (I don't remember what the 'limit' was but it was up there) During exercise, you can get 100-120 bpm but I don't understand how a drink like that could cause you to have SVT. I think he might have been kidding... At least I hope so. :eek:
i drank 6 cans in 2 hours. dunno what my heart was doing but i could feel it going some :nuts2: