Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?

Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • No

    Votes: 7 53.8%

  • Total voters
i have had the heck shocked out of me before and it is not pleasant

i was once knocked unconscious for a few seconds, electricity is nothing to underestimate
no, and neither has anyone here

please refrain from asking ridiclous questions :(
I've taken plenty of "calculated risks" but never anything I would consider deliberately dangerous. ;)
Aunty Em said:
I've taken plenty of "calculated risks" but never anything I would consider deliberately dangerous. ;)
See? What did I just get done telling you Altron?
kids need to learn that there are certain things you don't mess with
lol one time I made a huge fireball out of WD40 and a burning paper airplane. Is that a "calculated risk" ?
I'm going to get one of those poles you attach to aerosol cans that let you push them from a few feet away and put it on the WD 40. Then i'llhold a pole with a burning rag wrapped around it in fron of the WD 40 and make a flamethrower...
Phonebook pages are awesome to burn. I took a stick, wrapped the end in phone book yellow pages, dipped it in a can of gasoline, and lit it on fire - it was really cool
Sometimes I take useless papers I get from school and burn them with hairspray/bugspray
Altron said:
lol one time I made a huge fireball out of WD40 and a burning paper airplane. Is that a "calculated risk" ?

A calculated risk in my book is walking onto a battlefield dressed in genuine viking style armour (about 50lbs in weight) carrying a viking sword, shield and axe and defending yourself against attack. It was usually only when they heard the clash of steel on steel that the audience realised the weapons were real. Unlike the movie makers we didn't use fibreglass or metalised wool. :)

Of course it wasn't as dangerous as it looked since we put in hours of fighting practice - this is where the calculated came in. Unless of course you lost your concentration at a crucial moment... then it could be extremely painful and bloody... fortunately that never happened to me...
I am concerned that Altron is either going to become an arsonist or a forrest ranger.