Having one's priorities straight

Gonz said:
I agree that the flood was a seperate incident. New Orleans survived Katrina failry well.
At this point, it's kinda hard to tell where the damage of one left off and the other started.

"I understand that your house is still 10 feet under water, but we will be there monday between 9am and 6pm to fix your roof"
Monday after it had cleared up...Tuesday it was flooding (days are only indicative of time, actuality has been forgotten)
MrBishop said:
At this point, it's kinda hard to tell where the damage of one left off and the other started.

It's quite simple, really. The levee broke because of the storm surge. The flood came because the levee broke. Ergo, the hurricane didn't cause the damage to the houses/businesses in NO...the flood did.

The moral of the story? If you can't afford theflood insurance, don't live in an area that's on a coastland area below sea level. It ain't rocket science.
Gonz said:
Monday after it had cleared up...Tuesday it was flooding (days are only indicative of time, actuality has been forgotten)
The point is where's the burden of proof going to lay? On the home-owner where it usually does. If home-owner X evacuated like he was asked to...he wasn't there to witness the damage from one vs. the other. No photographic evidence (even if he was there) and no inspectors about to go to people's homes and try and make out the timeline. By the time the owners of the homes are allowed to go back and can, they'll be hard pressed to make heads or tails out of what actually happened when.

Let's face it...a whole whack of people are about to be fucked by their insurance companies...like that's any different from anywhere else in the world. :shrug:

**An example. My bro-in-law's shed just got demolished by a falling tree. (windstorm). In the shed, pair of mountain bikes, motorcycle, lawnmower and a few sundry items. The insurance company will pay for the removal of the part of the tree on top of the shed (about 10 feet's worth). The remaining 40 feet, they won't touch. The motorbike, they won't give a penny for because its a vehicle and should have its own insurance, even though it's in storage with the battery unplugged while he's in Afghanistan. The contractors that the insurace company picked to remove the tree is refusing to remove only part of the tree...they will remove all or nothing. All means an extra $1100 out of my bro-in-law's pockets. Add the $500 deductible ($1600) and the fact that the company is listing the shed at cost (not replacement cost) ditto for the bikes and the lawnmower and this means that my bro-in-law is out $650 if he claims. So much for insurance, eh?

Fuckin' loophole jumping' MoFos!
Gato_Solo said:
The moral of the story? If you can't afford theflood insurance, don't live in an area that's on a coastland area below sea level. It ain't rocket science.
...and if you can't afford flood insurace (like Gonz said..nearly double the rate) and can't afford to move out. You're in the hole.
MrBishop said:
...and if you can't afford flood insurace (like Gonz said..nearly double the rate) and can't afford to move out. You're in the hole.

How did said person get there in the first place, and who, praytell, put them in the hole?
Gato_Solo said:
How did said person get there in the first place, and who, praytell, put them in the hole?
Get 'there' as in N.Orleans, or 'there' as in poverty?

Different answers for different 'there's'
MrBishop said:
Get 'there' as in N.Orleans, or 'there' as in poverty?

Different answers for different 'there's'

Interchangeable, and the answers are exactly the same. Graying out the cause (personal choices) does not change the result.
There as in New Orleans. Well, either they moved there or were born there. If they moved there..yeah, they should've known better than to move to an unsafe area..then again, most places in the world are unsafe in some way or another.

There as in Poor... lack of effort, lack of education, lack of opportunities ... frankly, there are butloads of reasons as to why one person or another might become poor or start poor and not be able to get out. Most people go through their entire lives from birth in one 'class'. (ie middle class, lower-middle etc.) It takes a lot of effort to move up a class, but only one mistake to move down.
Gato_Solo said:
Graying out the cause (personal choices) does not change the result.
You say that as if there are no outside forces working on an individual. As if a person lives within a void. There are personal choices and choices thrust upon you.
MrBishop said:
You say that as if there are no outside forces working on an individual. As if a person lives within a void. There are personal choices and choices thrust upon you.

A choice thrust upon you is not a choice. It's an obligation.

MrBishop said:
lack of effort, lack of education, lack of opportunities

The old catch-all...laziness, ignorance, or luck. Laziness can be overcome with hard work. Ignorance can be overcome by actually trying to learn in school, and luck is self-made...If you don't like where you are, move someplace else. There are very few people forced to live where they are. ;)
MrBishop said:
lack of effort, lack of education, lack of opportunities ...

No lack of opportunitites. Simple lack of personal respopnsibility to act upon opportunitites presented.
May I interject?

Bish, I'll loan you my chainsaw, and you can take the damn tree out for the price of the gas. As for his motorbike, insurance for a parked vehicle is $15 a year. I know, I'm paying it for 2 vehicles myself. When he cancelled the policy, his insurance would have asked the disposition of the machine. If he'd said it was stored, they'd have offered him that. I've never had an insurance that didn't. And as for his deductable .... that's his gamble. Save a bit on the premium, risk a higher premium. How many years has he paid the lower premium? Odds are, he's already saved the difference. If he didn't bank the difference ... that's simply poor management on his part. You always keep the premium banked.

As for the poor, wretched, incapables .... we've talked. You maintain that there's some mystical bais against some folk. That they just can't get a break, no matter how hard they try. Wether they make the right decisions or not. As someone who's toast always lands butter-side up, who am I to argue. So .... what's the alternative?

If there's no hope, no way outta that rut, then maybe it's time for them to understand that, and take the short way out. Quit wasting everyone's time, and get it over with?
Professur said:
May I interject?

Bish, I'll loan you my chainsaw, and you can take the damn tree out for the price of the gas.
Ain't gonna cut it...literally and figurativly. 40+ feet tall, 4 foot diameter. Just hauling the bits out takes a far bigger truck that either of us has access to.

Professur said:
As for his motorbike, insurance for a parked vehicle is $15 a year. I know, I'm paying it for 2 vehicles myself. When he cancelled the policy, his insurance would have asked the disposition of the machine. If he'd said it was stored, they'd have offered him that. I've never had an insurance that didn't. And as for his deductable .... that's his gamble. Save a bit on the premium, risk a higher premium. How many years has he paid the lower premium? Odds are, he's already saved the difference. If he didn't bank the difference ... that's simply poor management on his part. You always keep the premium banked.
Should...not would. I'd ask him directly, but he's in comm-lockdown since that blast in Kabul. I get the feeling that if the insurance would've been paying for the removal of the whole tree instead of just a small portion of it, he'd be fine with the deductible.
Professur said:
As for the poor, wretched, incapables .... we've talked. You maintain that there's some mystical bais against some folk. That they just can't get a break, no matter how hard they try. Wether they make the right decisions or not. As someone who's toast always lands butter-side up, who am I to argue. So .... what's the alternative?

If there's no hope, no way outta that rut, then maybe it's time for them to understand that, and take the short way out. Quit wasting everyone's time, and get it over with?
Mystical? Nope. Realistic.
Racism, sexism, ageism and a whole whack of other isms exist. You work hard at the opportunities presented to you, but if you're limited as to the opportunities, you're limited as to how well you do overall.

Make your own opportunities, you say? Ok... try walking into a bank and asking for a business startup loan. You don't look 'right' and you've got no collateral. Here, have a pen, thanks for stopping by. Buhbye!
Perhaps, but then, he didn't insure the tree, did he? He insured the outbuilding, and it's contents. Gotta read the fine print, but that's exactly how each and every insurance policy is written. You might remember that we had a tree go through the cottage a dozen years back. That tree was from our neighbour's property. Neither insurance would cover removal of more of the tree than necessary to get it out of the house.

What type of tree? It might have been 4' at the base, but somehow, I don't think that's anywhere near the size of the bits in the shed. And considering that I bucked my way through a 28" trunk two weekends back ..... I don't think it's beyond feasible. If it's really that big, I'll borrow a big two-man saw from one of the neighbours and sharpen it up for ya.

If need be, I'll volunteer my services for beer and gas, if you promise to not talk to me the whole way there.
MrBishop said:
Mystical? Nope. Realistic.
Racism, sexism, ageism and a whole whack of other isms exist. You work hard at the opportunities presented to you, but if you're limited as to the opportunities, you're limited as to how well you do overall.

Make your own opportunities, you say? Ok... try walking into a bank and asking for a business startup loan. You don't look 'right' and you've got no collateral. Here, have a pen, thanks for stopping by. Buhbye!

Now, you see, there's that quitter's attitude. You don't look right? Then you damn well get looking right. You don't have collateral, you damn well find a co-signer that does. There are plenty of Gov't grants and such, expressly issued to deal with exactly that sort of circumstance.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Professur again.

Halle-fuckin'-luyah. You make your own luck. Those tattos giving your banker the willies? Swallow your fucking pride and wear sleeves. Your long hair a problem for the guys with money to loan? Same answer, with a pair of scissors.

I'm damned tired of folks who won't get off their sorry asses and do what has to be done telling me it's all beacuse of "the man". Either learn to play the game, or stop bitching.
HomeLAN said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Professur again.

Halle-fuckin'-luyah. You make your own luck. Those tattos giving your banker the willies? Swallow your fucking pride and wear sleeves. Your long hair a problem for the guys with money to loan? Same answer, with a pair of scissors.

I'm damned tired of folks who won't get off their sorry asses and do what has to be done telling me it's all beacuse of "the man". Either learn to play the game, or stop bitching.
You're too black...go the Michael Jackson route
You're a woman...time for that sex change
You're latino...
You look too middle-eastern...
You're too young...
You're too old...
You don't have a co-signer...