MrBishop said:
You're too black...go the Michael Jackson route
You're a woman...time for that sex change
You're latino...
You look too middle-eastern...
You're too young...
You're too old...
You don't have a co-signer...
In 1989, I found myself a fulltime college student, recently transferred to a university hundreds of miles from home. I tried dilligently for over a month to find any part time job luck. I was living on a food budget of 35 cents per day.
I should add that I had worked, off the farm, since 1982. At age 15.
Hey, says I to myself. You're a citizen. You have tried everything you can think of to get through this temporary mess. Go check into some've paid into it for years now, it is there to help you. Says I.
I get meself down to the proper office, and am greeted by a large sign reading: _____ Students - in order to qualify for food stamps or other assistance, you must meet at least 5 of the following 7 criteria.
I met all 7.
So I fill out my little forms, in triplicate, attach all relevent documentation, and am ushered to a seat. Two hours later, a harried lady with a 1958 hairdo escorts me to a cubicle smelling roughly like a mixture of urine and Pine Sol. It is in this environment that I am informed that I cannot receive any assistance. Period.
Curious, and admittedly naive, I asked the question.
"Ma'am, between you and me, off the record here, if I were to change my skin color, become female, get knocked up by someone whose name I did not know, refuse work, and make no attempt whatsoever to better myself in any way, would I then qualify?"
"But since I am a caucasian male with a seamless wrk history until now, taking steps to make something of my life, you can't do anything to help me through a bump in the road and keep me from being hungry?"
"That's correct."
Now tell me about isms. I ain't heard enough of it yet.