Health Care

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exceptions have to be made on public saftey grounds

I never liked it because I don't trust um, but somethin's worked.

I don't do the flu shots though. I'll take my chances with the virus.

oh btw, I don't know that it Has to be done.
I guess one could leave.
The CDC could fall under "general welfare". Polio isn't picky about who it hits or jumps from.

However, being forced to get immunizations may be overkill. So long as the refuser understands that if such an outbreak occurs, they're gonna be quarantined.
Oh shit, Micheal Steele and Fox have now pissed off the veterans.

August 27, 2009 - The claim that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has a manual encouraging veterans to "commit suicide," made by Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, is an asinine assertion with no basis in fact.

Steele made the charge two days ago (August 25th) on FOX News. Steele's egregious comments are an outrageous slander against VA designed to create an atmosphere of mistrust and fear among the millions of our veterans who rely on the VA for medical care. Veterans demand an apology from Steele and FOX News.

"Let me be absolutely clear, Steele lied. There is no VA manual encouraging veterans to commit suicide," said Paul Sullivan, the executive director of VCS, a non-profit based in Washington, DC providing advocacy for veterans, especially veterans with mental health conditions.

Here is the full text of Steele's comments:

"If you want an example of bad public policy, let's look at this situation with our veterans where you have a manual out there, telling our veterans stuff like, ‘Are you really a value to your community?' and, you know, encouraging them to commit suicide. This is crazy coming from the government, and this is exactly what concerns people, what puts them in fear of what government controlled health care, of health care, will look like."
I didn't hear what Steele said. I have heard about that pamphlet. It was written with the help of (damnit, I forgot their name) something about an oak tree
There is no VA manual encouraging veterans to commit suicide," said Paul Sulliva

chris wallace showed the pamphlet last night.

it doesn't say 'suicide'.
it does talk about 'being a burden'.
chris wallace showed the pamphlet last night.

it doesn't say 'suicide'.
it does talk about 'being a burden'.

Your Life, Your Choices:
Planning for Future Medical Decisions

The following is a 1997 publication that was produced
under VA IIR Grant No. 94-050, “Development of an
Advance Care Planning Workbook,” 4/01/95 – 3/31/97.

It is posted here for information purposes. It is the policy
of the Obama Administration to make available to the
public scientific and technological information that is
developed and used by the Federal Government.

Your Life, Your Choices was officially retired from use in
VA in 2007
, and an expert panel was convened to review
and comment on an online module version of this document
that was under development at that time.

The Your Life, Your Choices online module is currently
being revised based on suggestions from the expert panel
members and from chaplains representing eight different
faith groups. The revised online module is scheduled to be
released on the My HealtheVet Web site in the spring of

Please note that portions of this document have been
interpreted by some to be negative in tone and
insufficiently balanced. The revision process is addressing
these concerns. Also note that some of the links contained
in the document are no longer active.

For more information, see (VA
intranet) or

Bolding is mine:
The Death Book for Veterans: Ex-soldiers don't need to be told they're a burden to society

"Your Life, Your Choices" presents end-of-life choices in a way aimed at steering users toward predetermined conclusions, much like a political "push poll." For example, a worksheet on page 21 lists various scenarios and asks users to then decide whether their own life would be "not worth living."

The circumstances listed include ones common among the elderly and disabled: living in a nursing home, being in a wheelchair and not being able to "shake the blues." There is a section which provocatively asks, "Have you ever heard anyone say, 'If I'm a vegetable, pull the plug'?" There also are guilt-inducing scenarios such as "I can no longer contribute to my family's well being," "I am a severe financial burden on my family" and that the vet's situation "causes severe emotional burden for my family."

"Caskets for Clunkers" was started under Clinton. Killed by Bush. Reinstated by Obama. Oh, how compassionate is the left, pulling the plug on war heroes. :rolleyes:
Never did it in test today wass 40wpm 100%. But I cheated...I semi-touch type.

The last real TT test I took for a job placement place was about the same in English and about 35-40 in French...but that's a whole other KB. Pain in the ass, really.
58wpm at 98%

My bad habit is that I move my right hand and use both the index finger and pinky for quotes...has always been a slowdown but I've always done it on papers, coding at work, etc...I'm pretty good with everything else.

Does anyone else double-space after ending punctuation? I was taught that way for some reason.
Net Speed: 60 WPM
Accuracy: 85%
Gross Speed: 70 WPM

Prolly slightly faster (and more accurate) if I'm not lying in bed. Much better speed than when I took typing class though. I backspace A LOT.

Here's the 1 minute version:

Net Speed: 69 WPM
Accuracy: 88%

Gross Speed: 78 WPM
Duration: 60 sec.
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