
Those are all very good tips but none of them help me get my ass out of bed any earlier. I am ALWAYS missing this class!
Scanty said:

That one?

omg Scanty - that smilie is exactly the way I'm feeling this morning :D ... me and a couple of the Friday Project teachers are talking the school on an excursion to the volcano ... :O ...77 7 - 12 graders .... oh well .. if they act up, they can just become a sacrifice to Pele :D oohh .. *looking up at the sky* .. just kidding, gods ... I know that's not a worthy sacrifice :D
Wooohooo, we get to read about Nalani going nuts later on CNN.

Mild mannered Nalani went nuts today, throwing 77 children into a volcano, later Nalani told police, Pele wanted them, really, he did. Friend Kuulani says "I always knew something like this was going to happen, it was just a matter of when."
Les - I have a coffee mug almost just like that one ... I just love it! I have a tiny 4 cup coffee maker and it's perfect for holding all the coffee :)
Those mugs are GREAT! I got a set of four for myself...the pretty purple one got a crack and now it drips coffee out the side, so now the blue one is mine :D
nalani said:
...me and a couple of the Friday Project teachers are talking the school on an excursion to the volcano ... :O ...77 7 - 12 graders .... oh well .. if they act up, they can just become a sacrifice to Pele :D oohh .. *looking up at the sky* .. just kidding, gods ... I know that's not a worthy sacrifice :D

Must be a MAC thing...Along with the new math, it just drives people crazy. :D
Hey! Theres nothing crazy about Virgin Sacrifice ....Oh wait...Its na...Theres nothing crazy about Human Sacrifice....*runs away before na can read this*
I moved my alarm clock across the room, now I have to stagger around and run into things in order to get to it = no more missed classes since I started doing this.
gaunt: My alarm clock is across the room! That's what makes it SO bad! I STILL don't remember turning it off!
:lol: it was a good field trip - I only wanted to kill one kid, but I didn't .. I restrained myself *LOL* ... we hiked this trail along the crater ... I'll post piccys later, I promise!