Here we go again... Hurricane Rita now Class 4, Texas, New Orleans prepare...

A.B.Normal said:

And people say I need a tin foil hat. :lol:

Once again...for the cheap seats...the whole planet goes through a heating and cooling cycle that spans approximately 10,000 years.

1. How long ago was the last ice age, approximately?
2. Given that information, is the planet due for a warming cycle, or not?
What about the whole cause and effect thing describing how a butterfly flapping its wings leads to typhoons overseas? Time to kill the buterflies!
The data buoy 180 nm south of Southwest Pass, LA (where the Mississippi River enters the Gulf) is showing some wow-ee numbers. Right now it's recording wave heights of 24 ft. (7.4 m) and wind speed at 72 kts (37 m/s).

The data updates hourly, and can be viewed in English or metric units. It will probably go offline when the conditions become extreme. Buoy 42001 page

Other stations in the area can be selected from this page.

For the record, I agree with Gato, "global warming" is a phase of a natural cycle. :blank:
The NOAA Sea State Chart (not static data, updates automatically) is currently showing a wave height average of 62 ft. (19 m) near the hurricane's core. :eek:

I can tell ya from experience, waves that high will play hell with not only semisub drilling rigs, but will damage permanent platforms as well. There will most likely be a few semisubs that will break free of their moorings and go adrift.
Speaking of the hurricane's effect on offshore rigs, here's a kewl interactive map showing the locations of mobile offshore drilling rigs with Rita's track superimposed on it.

Zoom in, then click on "Identify Rig", and click on a rig location, and it will show you a photo of that rig with some info about it. :cool:

Here's an interesting article on about Rita vs. the oilfields in its path.
Notice how the media is scrambling to tell you "We're ALL GONNA DIE!!!!" while pretending to show how much we've learned in two weeks.

Notice how the local government has stepped up to do its job (including in LA).

BTW...GW has issued emergency declarations in TX & LA (just like last time)

Notice how paranoid the coastal folks are?

Notice that, with a small change, Rita puts the northeastern storm side (the bad part of the storm) right into New Orleans?
There's a weather man (not sure if he's an actual meteorologist or not) in Idaho that claims these hurricanes are being created by some Russian equipment that generates massive electromagnetic fields. The equipment is under the control of the Japanese mob, who are doing this to us as retaliation for the atomic bombs we dropped there in WWII. The Idaho weather guy claims some cloud patterns indicate the equipment is in constant use.

Looks like NO's paddling fast up shit's creek.
JJR512 said:
There's a weather man (not sure if he's an actual meteorologist or not) in Idaho that claims these hurricanes are being created by some Russian equipment that generates massive electromagnetic fields. The equipment is under the control of the Japanese mob, who are doing this to us as retaliation for the atomic bombs we dropped there in WWII. The Idaho weather guy claims some cloud patterns indicate the equipment is in constant use.

Whiuch is why he's in Idaho, with the rest of the nuts. We all know it's Dick Cheney controlling the Shrub.
NEW ORLEANS - Hurricane Rita's steady rains sent water pouring through breaches in a patched levee Friday, cascading into one of the city's lowest-lying neighborhoods in a devastating repeat of New Orleans' flooding nightmare.
I'm hoping that there won't be any new breaches, but the levees are weakened. The lack of working pumps ain't gonna help either.
Professur said:
At least the water's relatively clean this time. The sewers having already been purged.
Slightly cleaner...but they hadn't started cleaning the crud off of the streets and the sides and insides of buildings.