Hey Canada

Tonight, winter makes a comeback...low of 12F :shiver:

After a week of rain, it's about time we freeze the mud.
Tonight, winter makes a comeback...low of 12F :shiver:

After a week of rain, it's about time we freeze the mud.

It's those darned Canuckistanis and their arctic air. 30 this AM, 19 tomorrow.
Ooh. +16C is practically balmy. :D

+16cel is what we like to call...summer. ;)

It's gonna drop to -18 tonight, and we've got fresh snow (about 10" worth) last night. We're behind on our dump schedule by around 2 feet.
wtf was I thinking when I thought living by the lake was a good idea?! :grumpy:

Jeebus it's cold out there!
my co-workers were coming in all bundled up complaining how cold it was.
bunch of wimps. they think 21 is cold.
i will give one of them a break as she is from Texas