Hey, chcr!

At least the post-season isn't a total loss. The Yanks went home early, too.

Feelin' the love yet, chcr?
The Braves and the yankees both out.

Now I can enjoy the playoffs.

Guess I'll root for the Angels, as I despise the entire National League, and Hawk Harrelson is Satan.
I'm still waiting for the NFL/CFL playoffs. If you think the DH rule screws with things, how do you think NFL players would cope with having 1 less down, and 10 more yards of field to deal with.
Not to mention the longer playing field and only 20 seconds between plays. It makes it more of a cardio atmosphere making lanky, soccer style players more in demand rather than 6'6 350lb hulkomaniacs.

You guys get one more player on the field and unlike the NFL, a CFL play isnt over until until the ballhandler is absolutey immobilized like a roped calf... making it seem more like rugby.
unclehobart said:
Not to mention the longer playing field .

Seems to me like I did mention it.

But you got my point. Same think, incidently, happens in international hockey.
Say what you will about the teams left alive, but Benji Molina is damn impressive. The boy is gonna be the next Pudge Rodriguez.
OMG, this town's gonna go nuts with how that ended. The White Sox won on a gutless call and good acting by Pierzynski. He did initially call him out on strike three and only changed his call after Pierzynski went to first. What grounds did he base his changed call on, the fact that he ran? The umps got conned earlier in the ALDS by Posada acting like he hit a foul ball off of himself even though it didn't and was always fair. What a travesty these playoffs are becoming, the umpires seriously need to a better job than that.

BTW, anyone catch the McCarver gem: "There's a world of difference between a count of one ball and two strikes and a count of two strikes and one ball"? :lloyd:
Yes, I caught that too. I imagined every techie in the truck groaning and hiding their faces.

Piniella is entertaining though...