Hezbollah and Israel Step Up Attacks in Face of a U.N. Cease-Fire Resolution

spike said:
I'd have to agree that nukes aren't a good idea.

it would guarantee peace, but yes a bad idea.

other radical ways of guaranting peace.

let some superpower invade one of the countries ad take over, but then more freedom fighters are born, and if ANY superpower shows any idae they want more land, then they would be destroyed by the other super power, and allies.
spike said:
How about go in and enforce a buffer zone.

I am all for that. an enforced DMZ

Israel has a DMZ with egypt and they have been at a state of peace(eness) since.

Hell forget enforced, the lebanese army has a job to keep rockets coming from lebabnon into israel, they do that and israel will withdraw and let them handle it internally.

but if they fail, israel gets to take care of business, and protect their borders.
spike said:
They should leave everywhere that's not in their borders.

depends on how you define their borders, I define them diffrently then you do their is the 1948 borders the 1949 borders the 1967 borders.

I truly beleive in the 1967 borders, I also beleive they should have never given up the west bank or gaza.
paul_valaru said:
depends on how you define their borders, I define them diffrently then you do their is the 1948 borders the 1949 borders the 1967 borders.

I truly beleive in the 1967 borders, I also beleive they should have never given up the west bank or gaza.

United Nations Partition Plan of 1947
spike said:
United Nations Partition Plan of 1947

all countries are defined by war, why should israel back down?

everytime they give in to the peace process their neibours see it as weakness and clamour for more.

I say they remove themselves from peace talks, if it involves any more moving of borders, and hold on to what they have.

the arab states are not interested in peace, never have been.

I am tired of hearing about how one arab country supplies another to attack Israel. They had to fight to get Israel, against the british, they had to fight to keep Israel against the arab states, why roll over like a meek sheep now?

they should say this is ours, if you want peace, realize we will give up nothing. We will talk, but not compromise.
paul_valaru said:
all countries are defined by war, why should israel back down?

everytime they give in to the peace process their neibours see it as weakness and clamour for more.

I say they remove themselves from peace talks, if it involves any more moving of borders, and hold on to what they have.

the arab states are not interested in peace, never have been.

I am tired of hearing about how one arab country supplies another to attack Israel. They had to fight to get Israel, against the british, they had to fight to keep Israel against the arab states, why roll over like a meek sheep now?

they should say this is ours, if you want peace, realize we will give up nothing. We will talk, but not compromise.

Lands gained by war are illegal. Israel hasn't truly tried the peace process as they aren't interested in peace.

The US supplying Israel to attack other lands is no different than other countries supplying Israel's enemies.

If Israel wants peace they need to stop acting like criminals.

You say "We" like you're Israeli? Your attitude of claiming illegally gained lands and not compromising about is the same as the Israeli attitude then they certainly aren't interested in the peace process.
spike said:
Lands gained by war are illegal. Israel hasn't truly tried the peace process as they aren't interested in peace.

The US supplying Israel to attack other lands is no different than other countries supplying Israel's enemies.

If Israel wants peace they need to stop acting like criminals.

You say "We" like you're Israeli?

"we" like I am a jew, and identify with israel.

lands by gained by war are illegal, I guess the USA is illegal. what about conquest? is canada legal. Or only aboriginal peoples have the rights to claim land?

The idea that land gained by war is illegal is a bit silly, that is mostly how countries are and where formed.
I guess that makes it hard to be objective. I'm part Irish but I don't say "We" when Ireland comes up.

Lands gained by War are illegal according to international law. Israel agreed to abide by these laws.

Canada and the US came about before these laws but I would say there was very much wrong with the way the land was taken from the Indians.

You can't call laws that you have agreed to silly. You wouldn't agree to play basketball and then declare the traveling rule silly.
spike said:
I guess that makes it hard to be objective. I'm part Irish but I don't say "We" when Ireland comes up.

Lands gained by War are illegal according to international law. Israel agreed to abide by these laws.

Canada and the US came about before these laws but I would say there was very much wrong with the way the land was taken from the Indians.

You can't call laws that you have agreed to silly. You wouldn't agree to play basketball and then declare the traveling rule silly.

Sure I would, but then I am not sports oreinted.

I am a zionist, so I say we. I beleive in a jewish homeland that I would be welcomed into anytime I wanted to go their.

I also beleive that all the hate for israel is blatant racism, cause no one wants the jews to have and hold their own lands
paul_valaru said:
Sure I would, but then I am not sports oreinted.

I am a zionist, so I say we. I beleive in a jewish homeland that I would be welcomed into anytime I wanted to go their.

I also beleive that all the hate for israel is blatant racism, cause no one wants the jews to have and hold their own lands

What if I became a Canadian citizen, agreed to follow Canada's laws and then declared them all silly assuming I could do whatever I wanted. Would canadian police support me?

I'd like to be welcome in Ireland. Doesn't mean I'd support them stealing land illegally from neighboring countries.

Racism? Right, it couldn't be all the broken resolutions, mandates, and geneva conventions. That would be too obvious. Not that they don't ant them to hold other peoples land.

I guess if the police don't support me declaring Canada's laws silly they must be racist against people who are part Irish.
spike said:
What if I became a Canadian citizen, agreed to follow Canada's laws and then declared them all silly assuming I could do whatever I wanted. Would canadian police support me?

I'd like to be welcome in Ireland. Doesn't mean I'd support them stealing land illegally from neighboring countries.

Racism? Right, it couldn't be all the broken resolutions, mandates, and geneva conventions. That would be too obvious. Not that they don't ant them to hold other peoples land.

I guess if the police don't support me declaring Canada's laws silly they must be racist against people who are part Irish.

I guess you have no idea of what you are talking about.

International laws? what good are they when you are bombed from within and out.

and racism, yeah it could be, always come to the aide of the terrorist, never mind the bus bombings, rocket attacks, the provocation, it's always people going "Did you see what Israel did?" but never look to what brought that on, coem on Israel is a nation of jews, they are all rich, they can afford to lose a bus or 2, no big deal.

The pedistal that Israels conduct is held on is ridicolous. No other nation is expected to take as much crap and put up with it. Why is the standards the UN holds Israel to diffrent that any other nation. You know why the US doesn't invade Israel, they understand what provacation is.