Hi, how are you all?

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd pop in and say hi. I know i've been away for quite a while, so I don't really know what's been happening here. I hope you've all been keeping well... and why don't the smilies work? :(
I'm just ducky... unfortunately, I have to leave for work any second... home on my lunch break right now.
I'm kinda pissed at work, no one touched any of my work while I was gone (yet again), I can only hope the DM doesn't come in again reaming me about being behind on my resets. I wrote myself notes for the next 2 weeks and at the end of it hopefully I'll be caught up, but the week after that a ton of resets come down all at once, including 3 separate departmens which are each at least 24 feet (I can reset at most about 18 feet a day, and that's if there's very few changes...). I wish my manager hadn't taken her vacation at the same time as me, then everyone else wouldn't have been so damn lazy last week and the past couple of days too, grrrr.
Hi Auntie!

Miss seeing you around. Hope you're doing well! You missed one hell of a BBQ in Montreal. It would have been nice to have another Uke around. Keep in touch when you can!
hey there, why don't aren't you regular over here :grumpy:

Of course you know that's my way to say I've missed you so much ;)
Shadowfax said:
hi, nice to see you haven't forgotten about this place :)
Wow! It would take one hellava booze binge to forget this place! :eek:

You don't get rid of me that easy!!! :lol:

Inkara1 said:
Because she's not getting enough fiber in her diet?

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. :D
Dammit, that was my line... :p

PuterTutor said:
Hey Auntie, missed ya lady. :hug:
Yeah, I missed you guys as well.

Hey guess what? I may be about to become a real techie... yeah I know, I'm mad! JUst sorting out how to get the training paid for... I hope!
Auntie EM!!!

Woah....scan the new posts too quickly and lookee what I missed!!

Damn..but you're a sight for sore eyes! Welcome back!!