Homosexual rated Corporations

Forcing everyone (gay or straight) to stay married for life is not a related issue to legalizing gay marriage or benefits for married people.

It also wouldn't turn marriage into any less of a disaster (probably more so) and is a ridiculous notion overall.

If it's such a ridiculous notion ... why are so many gays clamoring for the right to participate in it?
Gays aren't clamoring to participate in enforcing marriage for life.

Not that I know of at least.
I dunno, I have to say tho, there are semi-legitimate reasons for a non-lifelong marraige. I'd completely agree that marraige ain't taken as seriously as it should be, but people do change, and people do make mistakes.

Marraige is by definition a very emotional thing, and emotional is the opposite of rational. Sometimes decisions made very emotionally are not the ones that one would make rationally. I'm sure that everyone here, myself included, has often done things while very emotional that they normally wouldn't.

For that reason, I'd be rather leary of viewing marraige as a one-way ticket, just because people do stupid things, marryin' people that they don't like is one of 'em. Few years back, my uncle married this complete psycho bitch. Dunno why. They got divorced a few years later. I never liked her. But my uncle is a nice guy. He fucked up pretty badly when he married her, but I wouldn't want him stuck with that bitch for the rest of his life.

Of course, it's now viewed as somethin' that's instantly and completely reversible, and that ain't right either. That's why we have dating, to try 'em on, see if you like 'em.

Rather, I'd say a happy medium is in order. Think of it like a plane ride. You got a parachute and you can jump out in the middle, but it should only be used in legitimate emergencies, like if the plane crashes. If you don't like the inflight movie, or they gave you peanuts instead of pretzels, that ain't a good reason to use the parachute.

Then again, what the hell do I know, I'm just some kid from New Jersey.
Gays aren't clamoring to participate in enforcing marriage for life.

Not that I know of at least.

You're right. They're clamoring for the financial benefits. Which has been the basis for my objection to gay marriage all along.

Thanks for playing.
Marraige is by definition a very emotional thing, and emotional is the opposite of rational. Sometimes decisions made very emotionally are not the ones that one would make rationally.

Which is why you keep your zipper zipped & discuss, rationally, your plans & aspirations. It's why you date, not live together but date, for no less than two years before discussing the long term potential. Getting married in 6 months or a year is asinine. Hell, I've had longer longer cell phone contracts.

Get to know each other outside of carnal knowledge & it'll usually last-assuming both parties have an integrity.
Which is why you keep your zipper zipped & discuss, rationally, your plans & aspirations. It's why you date, not live together but date, for no less than two years before discussing the long term potential. Getting married in 6 months or a year is asinine. Hell, I've had longer longer cell phone contracts.

Get to know each other outside of carnal knowledge & it'll usually last-assuming both parties have an integrity.

Gonz, I'm not saying that I don't completely agree with you, from an idealogical perspective. What I'm saying is that we can't count on everyone to be rational and logical, and no matter how hard you try, people will do stupid things. People need to learn lessons, those stupid things shouldn't be able to be undone as easily or even easier than they were done in the first place, but they should be reversible if absolutely neccessary.

Ideally, marraige would be a lifelong thing. For many people, like my grandparents, my parents, Prof and MrsProf, hopefully myself and currently undetermined female counterpart in the distant future, it is. But not for everybody.
Why not raise the bar back to where it once was placed? I refuse to lower my standards because everyone else does.
You're right. They're clamoring for the financial benefits. Which has been the basis for my objection to gay marriage all along.

Thanks for playing.

You said they were clamoring to enforce marriage for life and that your objection was that marriage wasn't enforced for life.

Got to get the story straight here.
You said they were clamoring to enforce marriage for life and that your objection was that marriage wasn't enforced for life.

Got to get the story straight here.

I said that? Where did I say that? Go back to start and try again, Sunshine. And this time, try reading.
We the People, in Order to Form a More Perfect Union...

We are the law. We need to take it back.
you never cease to amaze me with your outstanding wit & the insight you bring to these conversations.
I said that? Where did I say that? Go back to start and try again, Sunshine. And this time, try reading.

Hey, looks as though your the one with the reading difficulty.

Spike: Legalize gay marraige everywhere. Restrict marraige-type benefits to married couples.

Professuer: I'm all for it. The moment you enforce marriage for life.

Spike: Forcing everyone (gay or straight) to stay married for life is not a related issue to legalizing gay marriage or benefits for married people.

It also wouldn't turn marriage into any less of a disaster (probably more so) and is a ridiculous notion overall.

If it's such a ridiculous notion ... why are so many gays clamoring for the right to participate in it?
you never cease to amaze me with your outstanding wit.

Yeah, yeah, well you're honestly more likely about half right there. I do believe that I am an outstanding half-wit though.

Actually, I'm just so tired of some of the subjects that this is my reaction. :shrug: No one on this board has said anything at all new on this subject in at least four years (including people who have been here less than four years). Why does anyone care where homosexuals like to shop? If you don't like it, don't shop there.
So, yesterday, at work, I showed the article to the store director. He looked at the list of gay companies and guess who is feautured prominently? Bestbuy.

We all got a kick out of it.

I work in a super politically incorrect environment, and I love it. It's so amazing to see that PC has yet to invade CCity.
Circuit City has had a PC department for eons. I remember, in fact, going there and seeing the eMachines computer from 1999 that Apple said was a ripoff of the iMac design.