Homosexual rated Corporations

Just like the constitution it needs to be "living".


You want a living Constitution? Follow the rules written in it 200 years ago. It does not change with the times. It is the final & only set of rules for the Federal Gov't to follow.

You want a living Constitution? Follow the rules written in it 200 years ago. It does not change with the times. It is the final & only set of rules for the Federal Gov't to follow.
*sigh* ...because goodness knows that the world is virtually unchanged in the last 230 years. :rolleyes:

I can't help but note how little attention the Federal Government has actually paid those rules over the years.

I guess the various amendments are fluff, meaningless as it were...
Follow the rules written in it 200 years ago..

Yep, I've maintained for years wimmenz don't need to vote. They ain't really smart enough anyway.
One occasionally wonders what you must believe given what you spout.
Yep, I've maintained for years wimmenz don't need to vote. They ain't really smart enough anyway.
One occasionally wonders what you must believe given what you spout.
Trust me on this one, quit wondering now. If you ever figure out what exactly what he believes, your head is liable to explode.
Jesus H Christ, would you both get your head out of your ass long enough to go & actually read the motherfucker instead of playing lets insult Gonz games. It clearly explains how to change the rules.
You want a living Constitution? Follow the rules written in it 200 years ago. It does not change with the times. It is the final & only set of rules for the Federal Gov't to follow.

200 years ago, huh?

The 13th Amendment, which prohibits slavery, was proposed on January 31, 1865.

The 14th Amendment, which guarantees the rights of citizens and other persons, was proposed on June 13, 1866.

The 15th Amendment, which ensures the right of black men to vote, was proposed on February 26, 1869.

The 16th Amendment, which specifically authorizes the income tax, was proposed on July 12, 1909.

*Not so fond of that one, myself*

The 17th Amendment, which required Senators be elected by the people, was proposed on May 13, 1912.

The 18th Amendment, which prohibited alcohol, was proposed on December 18, 1917.

The 19th Amendment, which ensures women the right to vote, was proposed on June 4, 1919.

The 20th Amendment, which sets the dates for the beginning of congressional and presidential terms, was proposed on March 2, 1932.

The 21st Amendment, which repealed Amendment 18, was proposed on February 20, 1933.

The 22nd Amendment, which sets the presidential two-term limit, was proposed on March 21, 1947.

The 23rd Amendment, which grants Washington D.C. electoral votes, was proposed on June 17, 1960.

The 24th Amendment, which ensures the vote cannot be taken away for failing to pay a poll tax, was proposed on August 27, 1962.

*Pay attention to that one*

The 25th Amendment, which details presidential disability procedures, was proposed on July 6, 1965.

The 26th Amendment, which ensures the vote to all citizens over the age of 18, was proposed on March 23, 1971.

*I was fifteen and politically active*

The 27th Amendment, which restricts raises in congressional pay, was proposed on September 25, 1989.

Cleary it does change with the times. :shrug: Yes, there are rules governing how to change it but that's not what you said.

Edit: And that wasn't an insult. I can be much more insulting than that. I really wonder.
200 years ago, huh?

Cleary it does change with the times. :shrug: Yes, there are rules governing how to change it but that's not what you said.

Edit: And that wasn't an insult. I can be much more insulting than that. I really wonder.

Read this and tell me what the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments really say...
I understand your point. How is it germaine to the discussion? Or was it intended to be "Off Topic?" ;)

You quoted about how the Constitution has changed partly through slavery, and voting rights. My counter is, how can they give you something you should've already had? I won't bother with prohibition because it wasn't illegal to drink alcohol. Just sell it. :shrug:
Sorry if I offended you. I did not mean it personally. I just do not like Canada. Even though I was born in Canda and have a lot of relatives up there.

:rofl2: Offend me? Pshaw. I don't get offended. (well, maybe BO offends me just a little....and maybe American beer...) ;)

I'm just being my facetious little self, as usual. :evilgrin: