Homosexuality - ? What is it?

What "Causes" Homosexuality

  • God's Plan

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • My Choice - pure and simple

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Peer Pressure/Parental (Nurture)

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Chance - just born that way

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Genetic Anomoly - (Environment)

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Genetic Anomoly - Error

    Votes: 7 29.2%

  • Total voters
I voted My Choice, but I think it's a little more than that. I don't think genetics has much to do with it, but more so your upbringing. Not necessarily parents, but peers, and how well you get along with each sex. Ironically, if you get along with girls easier than boys most of your childhood, I think you're more likely to become homosexual.
I tend to vote more towards the genetic part - considering the bad things that happen to homosexuals, wouldn't you think that they'd just give it up for bad and try heterosexuality?
Hmmm...lets see...I got kicked out of my house, my friends don't like me anymore, and I get my life threathened every so often...why did I 'pick' homosexuality again?
Produced by the enviroment you were raised, it could vary from very "macho" dad to very jealous mom, or other factors.

But it is definitively not genetic.

And i also don't agree with "my choice", it is something they can't choose, they decide wether to "jump out of the closet" or stay hidden, but in the end the homosexuality is still there in their minds.
MrBishop said:
wouldn't you think that they'd just give it up

I don't think you would. Not all homosexuals are harassed or kicked out of their house.
Luis G said:
But it is definitively not genetic

I'm curious...do you vote non-genetic because it removes the free-thought question...fate etc...or for other reasons?
PuterTutor said:
Not all homosexuals are harassed or kicked out of their house

True...but, why don't we hear about 'converts' then? Gay/Lesbians that change their mind, or hets that become gay because of the 'correct' exposure to homosexuality.

The conversion thing is the #1 homophobic's fear.
I voted the non-genetic way, because imo, it depends on the enviroment in which the individual was raised. Natural born-gays are the XXY and XXXY, but that's not likely to happen (i think 1 case in 10,000,000 borns)
**Notice: Please don't get me wrong...I am NOT homophobic...just curious**

No insults intended either
MrBishop said:
considering the bad things that happen to homosexuals, wouldn't you think that they'd just give it up for bad and try heterosexuality?
I feel like PT. I voted choice, but I think there's more to it. Let me answer your question with a question. If you were only attracted to members of the same sex, how could you try heterosexuality?
MrBishop said:
True...but, why don't we hear about 'converts' then? Gay/Lesbians that change their mind, or hets that become gay because of the 'correct' exposure to homosexuality.
That does happen, actually. I think those that it happens to are bi rather than gay, however. Not being either, though, I can only offer opinions since I have no direct experience.
i voted chance but i think there are other factors that can contribute such as enviroment and upbringing can influence it
MrBishop said:
PuterTutor said:
Not all homosexuals are harassed or kicked out of their house

True...but, why don't we hear about 'converts' then? Gay/Lesbians that change their mind, or hets that become gay because of the 'correct' exposure to homosexuality.

The conversion thing is the #1 homophobic's fear.

It does happen, I've known two women and at least 1 guy personally that decided they were happier being gay at an older age(30's). I think for most it's decided on when you are going through puberty or sooner, but that some of them don't understand what it is, or live in a home that is very anti-gay, not allowing them to even consider being gay. As for how a gay person could be attracted to the opposite sex, I think that most gay people would probably be better classified as bi, that is they are attracted to both sexes, but feel more comfortable with the same sex.
Amazingly enough i tend to agree with Luis on this one but for different reasons i'm sure.
I think the answer lies somewhere between Pressure/Parental (Nurture) & choice.
I've asked homosexuals face to face and they always seem to have the common thread of growing up in extremely disfunctional families with recurring ubuse namely verbal/emotional.
In the book of Genesis(Gen 19) two angels came to stay with Lot and the men of the city Sodem pounded on his door so that they could have sex with these men. Lot even tried to give the townsfolk his virgin daughters but the men of the town refused the women and demanded the men. In the old testament god called this an abomination on many occasions. Yet in the new testament not once does Jesus mention homosexuality. Why? The bible says he that doesn't know he sins commiteth no sin! I personally believe there is a very good chance this verse is why Jesus did not mention homosexuality. I believe there was a very big difference between most of the homosexuality that occured 4-5000 years ago and that which occures today. In those days it occured more by choice & lust imo. These days it's brought on more often by the upbringing of the child. This results from psycological trama. The bible also says that god know the heart of every man and i believe he knows the extrent of human trama and just how messed up our troubles can make us. So in nutshell, nurture. I don't think we are born straight or gay. We are born neither.
I feel it's something more like just a touch of "mental illness" depression or something similar....

* please note I'm not saying this with a negative attitude, I'm just stating what I think..
Kinda sad that we have to apologize if we don't feel that it's "natural"... whatever that is. Stigma applies on all fronts. I bet i'm less homophobic than 95% of the people that use that word. Even my dad says he thinks it's ok yet cringes if he sees two men kissing. I think more people than not accept because they want to be accepted by the 'in' crowd. This includes adults. I simply don't disriminate because i don't see homosexuals being any more screwed up then every other human being i meet on a daily basis. All people fall short.
chcr said:
If you were only attracted to members of the same sex, how could you try heterosexuality?

There are many different variations from either sex. If I was only attracted to one gender in particuilar, I would think that this would be a chemical/genetic predisposition as opposed to choice.

chcr said:
I think those that it happens to are bi rather than gay, however.

Personally...I think that 99% of the population is Bisexual to one respect or another. It's a matter of how much to one end of the spectrum you fall.
i'm unconvinced by the nurture approach, i don't think that you can be brought up gay.

if anything i would call it a combination of genetics and nature. i would not describe it as error as that infers that homosexuality is somehow incorrect. i do not see how you can choose to be gay anymore than i chose to be straight; the attempts by some to be choose straightness when they are not frequently leads to tales of trauma and mental illness.

i have yet to meet any homosexuals with traumatised upbringings myself, perhaps i ask the wrong questions.

i've never seen fit to ask the question why, i acknowledge its existence and leave it at that. homosexuality is, and nothing more.
PuterTutor said:
I think for most it's decided on when you are going through puberty or sooner, but that some of them don't understand what it is, or live in a home that is very anti-gay, not allowing them to even consider being gay

Yes...but that would mean that they were either born Gay or became Gay at the onset of puberty. I know of several gay-couples that were once 'not-gay'..that is, they were part of a heterosexual lifestyle...one woman was married and had a kid to boot.

I would think that the homosexuality did not appear from social means, but was a pre-existing condition that was repressed because of social pressure (conscious or not).
HeXp£Øi± said:
This results from psycological trama

Hmmm...from a religious viewpoint, that's an interesting statement. Do you mean to say that Homosexuality is caused by bad upbringing? Bad father/mother/family?

I think that George Michaels did a song about that.
I'm paraphrasing here but...

"Did your father love you too much?"
"How much is too much"