hooray for spring


Not really Banned
i'm so happy it's nice out again. my brother and i took our scout troop climbing last weekend. didn't get to climb much because we were busy doing the leader/instructor thing but here's some pics. we didn't get any pictures of later in the day when all the kiddies got tired and we really started climbing, too busy climbing i guess. enjoy, i know i did.

You ain't kidding! I'm a sucker for a nice pair of legs. :D

I miss hiking. The last time I went was back in '92 at Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina. When we were younger, my Dad used to take us to Vermont every summer to go backpacking along the Appalachian trail. We stayed in lean-to's, hung our packs from the trees with bungees so they wouldn't get raided in the night... *sigh* I miss that.

There's a funny book by Bill Bryson called "A Walk in the Woods" about his own experiences hiking the trail. It was pretty good actually.
Never gone climbing....the scout ranch I worked at the past summers has a nice face though, just never made it over there. Maybe I'll go down this summer and climb :headbang: God knows I can't do it around here. Well, I can, but the only climbing walls here are in grain elevators.

Last time I went hiking would be at the Boundary Waters in 2000. I'm thinking about a trip to NM this summer, around Red River. Too bad I can't make it to Philmont....:(
tommyj27 said:
the boundry waters is a good trip, i want to go back to WY and spend a few weeks hiking

Yeah, I'd like to go back sometime. I got caught in a slow group when I was there so we only did about 30 miles. Oh well, gave me plenty of time to fish! :headbang:
tommyj27 said:
were you just hiking or did you guys paddle too?

Paddle and Portage. I can't clearly remember, but I think the longest portage was 200 rods. The biggest problem with our group is we often wouldn't push off from a campsite until 10:30-11 in the morning. We often kept going until 5 pm just to try to make up time. I think it would have been better had we been pushing off before 9 and stopping at 3pm. Oh well, what do I know. :p ;)
i was only up for a long weekend last year, first weekend of may so the ice wasn't even completely off lakes. it rained for the better part of it and we shoved off 9:30-10ish and went like mad until almost sundown to make it through our route by sunday afternoon at the pickup time. i think our longest portage was about 200 but that's still pretty long when you've got a canoe on top and two loaded duluth packs strapped to you. why the load? oh yeah, because the biggest guy in the group was a big fuckin pussy. good times
It poured on us while we were unloading and pulling canoes out at the outfitters. Not a drop before then. :headbang:
tommyj27 said:
do remember the name of the outfitter?

The name escapes me here at work. It was across the bridge outside of Ely, MN. I'll look it up when I get home.