
Just so that you girls know ... most guys aren't big one threesomes including two guys either ... and for pretty much the same reason.

So if we're all in agreement, let's never consider a threesome to include less wimmen than men in the future, m'kay?
hey Error, how's that? 4 pages and we've gone from your ex dating to a half step from going ass to mouth. Bet you didn't expect that when you registered, did ya?
lol... nope. I've actually commented a couple of times about this place... how things get so twisted in such a bad, but funny, way. lawl.
Just so that you girls know ... most guys aren't big one threesomes including two guys either ... and for pretty much the same reason.

So if we're all in agreement, let's never consider a threesome to include less wimmen than men in the future, m'kay?
Sorry mate. That would never be an option. Which means if I were ever in a threesome, the guys should be.. comfortable in each others presence. ;)

As like a second chapter to this, it's now been almost 3 months since the big bad breakup and I'm sorta over it... like when I talk to him I don't get sad.. I see things about him that I don't (and don't really know why I ever did) like. I'd still get back with him though.. he's still the love O my life.

Anyways, there is a new dilemma. We have been talking more often, and in these lil conversations there's been sort of an undertone of... like... idk... maybe its just the history I'm feeling... anyway a couple days ago he showed up and was like saying how he's having a bad day and that something horrible happened. I didn't want to jump into the whole "oh what is it baby you can tell me" thing that I know he was going for... so I did acknowledge it... but I didn't press for WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED!! The next day, we talked and he was like "i fucking needed you last night and you just shut me up." wtf? He said I'm the only person that cares about him and no one else does and why would they and yadda yadda... no he doesn't have many friends, and yes I sorta believe I am the only one that cares about him... but if I was all he had why would he do what he did?

Anyway, the real issue is that I don't know if I should offer him that love and support because I do love him and I do care about him... but being there for him while knowing that's all he wants from me is to babysit him hurts... should I do it anyway because, in all honesty I do love him so I should act like it... or do I sorta deserve not to? I shouldn't have to hurt just for him just so he'll have that love and support and shit... he doesn't deserve anything from me.

To give or not to give? :(
Friends don't explode you like that. He just wants a crying towel without reciporication. Cut him loose and let him do his crying into a bottle of gin.
What does he give to you?


I know the *obvious* answer but that's just why I have the problem... taking it all down to basics, I do love him, I do care, therefore regardless of circumstances I should be there for him if he needs me... BECAUSE I love him... nowatimeen
I do know what you mean and I know it's heartbreaking to realize you put such emotion and effort into someone so....uncaring? Unworthy? Unsomething.

You gotta love yourself more.