House and Car Rules


New Member
Do you have any rules for guests in your car or your house?

In my car:

-If you're not going to wear your seat belt, get out.
-Don't expect me to look at anything but the road when I'm driving.
-You can smoke only if you can open the window all the way and *not* get ashes in the car. Since I use my ashtray for change, you can't use that either.
-I'll let you touch my radio but I have final say over what we listen to. Same with the heat/ac.
-Nobody drives my car but me. (and Rusty if he ever gets his license but only because I'm the one teaching him)

In my house:

-If you ASK before you light up, we MIGHT let you smoke in our house if all the windows are open. Within reason; chain smoking is done outside. (Rusty's parents are banned from smoking in our house because they didn't ask the first time)
-And if we ever get the dogs we want, they will not be locked in a room when company comes over. They will be residents of the house also and will be trained so they are not a nuisance. Our guests should show them the same courtesy as they do us.

Otherwise, that's it. My friend has a rule that you have to take off your shoes and leave them on a mat inside the front door. She has hardwood floors throughout the whole house, so I understand why.
NO seatbelt=no ride
No one smokes in my car...even me
music - HA...doesn't even have a car radio anymore...bloody thing died, so I'm suing a walkman and some old computer speakers (unpowered)
other than car's a what you like.

Don't smoke in my house...I got a kid...'nuff said
Don't harrass the cats.
No drugs!!!
Don't get in my way in the kitchen...if you like to it from somewhere else
Serve yourself...I'm a host, not a waiter
Please don't swear...the missus is bad enough and I don't want my kids first real word to be mo-fo

That's it.
Nothing too dramatic.

I frequently drive my cousin around and she smokes, but she has the courtesy to crack the window and send her smoke outside.

Obviously I don't let anyone turn the heater to 90 unless it's freezing cold in the car and I don't let anyone turn the AC to 60 unless it's blazing hot in the car. 68-72 is usually sufficient.

The radio is too complex for anyone but me to touch it. I refuse to turn it on country music (whenever I do turn it on).

Other than that, I'm flexible.

As for the house, I don't own it so I can't make rules. There are rules for my bedroom though. Stay out of it unless specifically told to be in there for some reason. :lol:

Whenever a bunch of people are smoking in the house, I'll go outside for a while in order to breathe, but if it's just my dad, shutting the door where I'm at is usually enough.
greenfreak said:
In my car:

-If you're not going to wear your seat belt, get out.
-Don't expect me to look at anything but the road when I'm driving.
-You can smoke only if you can open the window all the way and *not* get ashes in the car. Since I use my ashtray for change, you can't use that either.
-I'll let you touch my radio but I have final say over what we listen to. Same with the heat/ac.
-Nobody drives my car but me. (and Rusty if he ever gets his license but only because I'm the one teaching him)

How far is that walk to JFK again :D
Get in, sit down, hold on, shut up are enough rules for me in the car.
House.....Gimme a cigarette and pour yourself some coffee...

Car.....I'm stopping for coffee. Need cigarettes?
Car, (when i have one, none atm) - no smoking unless i'm smoking, weed is banned, so is beer and any alcohol. No belt no ride, play the radio fine, not too loud though.

House - same for smokin, weed and alcohol is accepted :D
rules for the house: if you want something get off your ass & get it. and, STAY OFF MY COMPUTER!!!

-NO smoking
-NO touching the radio
-NO THINKING about touching the radio
-Belt up if you like...I do.
-Yes, I'll be designated driver. If you puke in my car, you eat it back up.

general car info: The invisible brake on the passenger side doesn't work, I had it disconnected, so quit mashing the floor...65 mph is not an option....


-NO Smoking
-The three tabby cats are nice, pet them.
-The bobcat will eat parts of your appendages if you tease him, don't even think about it.
-The bobcat will, and has, eaten small dogs. Consider a kennel.
-ALL of them are parts of our family, if you have allergies bring medication, or stay out back.
-Beer is appreciated
-Coors is not beer
-Be advised, the walls are thin. Doesn't bother me if you're a screamer, but we WILL applaud you at the breakfast table the following morning.

General house info: My house is yours...for the time you spend in it, which is strictly limited to a week or less....

- Don't touch the radio unless given permission, and if permission is granted, you only get to use the remote (no touchie!)
- All belts are in the extended and fastened position for all passengers at all times.
- No smoking...period
- Shoes go on the floor, feet do too.
- Hands go anywhere but the windows or windshield. I don't care how dirty you say they are, they are that way from people like you.

Still at home, so things are kinda shared in this department.
- If its sunny or cloudy outside, you can keep your shoes on. Otherwise, take them off at the door.
- I don't care if you use my phone (home or cell) to make calls, but do not answer it when it rings.
- Do not fall asleep in my bed, accidentally or intentionally. I kick in my sleep. (unless you're hot)
- My computer(s) are just that, mine. Do not email, chat, play games, surf, or randomly search the hard drive unless permission is given.
- Tools that are borrowed should be returned not just to my room but to the location in which you found them. (there is a method to my madness....I do notice things missing/moved)

Yes each of these rules applies to every person, but this list was written in reponse to things a certain someone does.
In the car, the only hard and fast rule is that you WILL wear a seatbelt. Anything else, I have strong preferences, but no rules.

There are a bunch of house rules, but most of 'em boil down to "Don't be an ass".
Car: No smoking.

House: No smoking. My family & friends who smoke are considerate about that and always smoke outside, even at restaurants and clubs. And in Hawaii, its local custom to always take off footwear before stepping into the house.
car: no smoking
- no smoking
- if you want anything, ask, i hate people that searchs my stuff without permission.
More preferrences than hard, fast rules 'ere, for the most part. I like to think of the presence of friends an' family as a 'privilage', but I too, 'ave my limits, not to be crossed or abused!


- Please don't proceed to bleed profusely on the dash, carpet or seats, for any reason.

- I'm a non-smoker an' my ashtray is only a factory defect, so please put the glass to the sill, if ya must. (I don't care if its 30 degrees outside, sorry)

- The radio, as with any other factory designed controls, is subject to the final say of the 'Captain' of the ship, (that's me), though I do try to accomodate.

- Yes belts on, since I can't afford the ticket, nor the insurance increase.


- No radio, sorry, its a non-workin' AM tube-type..........can't hear it over the sound of the dual exhaust anyhows.

- Lap belts on or no ride, period!

- No bitchin' 'bout yer messed up hair, (no doors, no top, git over it) Hell, I even provide 'Oh Shit handles', what more could one ask for?

- No bitchin' 'bout occasional swervin' (the craft IS 28 yrs. old, manual steerin' included)

- No bitchin' if'n I happen to git my foot in the gas a bit hard, (5 litre + 1500 lbs = a few yanked necks now an' again, git over it)


- No smokin' inside (garage provided in winter)

- Please be considerate of the children, (of what ya say an' do in their presence), they're not only, people too, but they have an' opinion 'bout goings-on in their home that matters to us.

- Please don't feel obligated to eat all on yer plate, when yer full, yer full (that, 'people are starvin' in Africa' mentallity went out with the last two gens.)

- Please don't mind if my shirt's off, elbows r on the table at supper, or that my jammy-pants are all I care to wear (even without underwear, jus'-a-floppin', while yer 'ere, (my doctor says its ok):D
Don't smoke, I don't care how much my driving makes you want a cigarette.
I'll suggest once that you wear your seat belt. After that it's your life. It's a TransAm, I don't drive it like a fucking Yugo.
Don't tell me to slow down, you won't like the results.
Hey, you asked me for a ride.

Don't scream, don't hit me, don't move around.

Wife's car--
Whatever she says goes.
Fair warning, she drives faster than I do.

Smoke outside, I don't care what the weather is like. The dogs live in the garage in the winter, I do in the summer, you ain't smokin' in there.
Other than that, whatever my wife says, goes.
Oh yeah, don't be an ass.

Seatbelts are not optional equipement, I get the ticket, not you.
Smoke if you want, crack a window, if it bothers me, put it out.
DON'T touch the fucking radio.

Make yourself at home. Glasses are above the sink, I think you can figure out where we keep the drinks.
Got shit on your shoes, take em off. Feet Stink? Leave em on.
Stay out of my bedroom, unless I get something out of it.
Don't touch my computer.
put some passwords to the puter, secure the BIOS setup and set it to boot from the harddrive only, and put password to logon into win2k ;)
Luis G said:
put some passwords to the puter, secure the BIOS setup and set it to boot from the harddrive only, and put password to logon into win2k
:D I did.
I don't have a car of my own but there are standard van rules and then I have some of my own and my mom has some of her own.

General Van Rules:
-No smoking, there is a reason we don't have an ashtray
-All those under 16 MUST wear their seatbelts (over 16 you pay your own ticket)

My van rules:
-You can touch the radio but if I hate something then it probably won't get played (unless you're sleeping with me)
-If I have given you control of the radio FOR GODS SAKE blast that thing when a good song comes on
-Don't complain about my singing, if you don't wanna hear it then walk
-Feel free to sit in whatever nutty crazy manner you want as long as there are no shoes on the seats and depending on who you are I may also demand you wear a seatbelt even if you're over 16 (like when I have a bf I will not drive him unless he is buckled up)

My mom's van rules:
-The radio can only be changed between the AM country station and the FM coiuntry station
-The radio can not be turned up loud no matter how good the song is
-Feet and shoes on the floor
-If she is old enough to be your mother she is gonna make you wear your seatbelt

House Rules:
-No smoking
-The dog is a part of the family. We will try to keep her off of you if you want (as she tends to get a bit excited and want to play) but we will NOT lock her away or punish her for wanting to sit up next to you or play with you.
-The dog has her own spot on the sofa and if you sit there we do NOT want to hear bitching about the dog being too close to you. It's HER spot. We don't sit there and if you do then you will not be for long cause she will have you nuzzled down the couch.
-Take your shoes off at the door
-Don't sit down at the computer without asking. It is too old to have a OS that I can PW protect (the one that's there now, not this one) but if I could I would (and have on this one). Just because you're extended family doesn't mean you have rights to our computer (in fact it means you are oen of the last people we want using it).

My room here at school:
-No smoking
-I don't care about shoes as long as they're not went or muddy
-Yes, you CAN sit on my bed. That is the only place to sit other than the computer chair, once I tell you once you can sit there DON'T ask again, just do it.
-If you are in my room it prolly means you are more than welcome to use my computer but for gods sake...don't download anything unless you are one of my two computer guys (ex boyfriends) and no matter who you are do NOT read my ICQ/MSN history...