House and Car Rules

Actually, Nixy, up until a few years back, both were considered the same breed by the American Kennel Association.

But the biggest difference is that shih tzus were bred to be very quiet and sit on laps. Literally, the best way to punish a shih tzu is to not let her sit on anyone. Instant sulk.
Lhasa apsos were bred to be (believe it or not) guard dogs. Much more active than the shihs and much more vocal. They'll yelp and yap at anything, while a shih will hardly bark at all.

Both are the product of tibetan monks breeding programs.
-i wear my seatbelt, you're encouraged to as well, if you don't you're a dumbass.
-if you want to smoke, ask first, offering me some is helpful
-don't pick off rust or paint flakes, when my car dies it's going to propel me along like a sailboat
-don't ask why my airbag light is flashing expecting a knowlegeable answer, it came that way
-unless you've been designated "Navigator" or found my remote control for me, don't fuck with the stereo or other controls.
-under no circumstances should you mess with settings on my radio other than to change what's playing.
-don't even think about doing anything you think that i would not appreciate, you will be walking, until i run you down.

-it isn't mine, hence i don't dictate policy.
-does it smell like an ashtray, i didn't think so.
-behave yourself, if you don't you will not be welcome back
-i didn't invite you in to clean up after you, glasses are to the right of the sink.
The cats? Don't worry about them, they'll wait til you're asleep and you won't feel a thing.
Your cats must not be as fat as mine. (I have two)

I have 3 dogs, Lab mix (Mom and two kids, both grown now. Mom dog was rather indiscreet). If they decide to get in your lap, you won't be able to stop them, the runt weighs 65 lbs.

I'll post some pics if I can ever get this damned AOL camera my wife bought to work with win2K.
Prof: Thank You

And I did know that they are similiar breeds. My dog loves to barks. Airplane trails, clothes lines, any small animal that ventures into our backyard, opposing traffic when we're in the car. If it moves she barks at it :D
Here is another of my baby:

Absolutely, positively no smoking in my apartment or my car. I am rabid about that one. Brandi still hasn't lived down the time she let someone smoke in the car... in October. I also make everyone buckle up in the car. Otherwise, not many rules.
No, her hair never got the fill length to be down to the floor.

By top knot do you mean little ponytail on her head? My mom wen through a phase of doing that to her...

Justintime said:
use [ attachment ] [ /attachment ] without spaces.
and inside the tag, put the post ID number (found in the link to that post at the very end, e.g. 171124)
Got this today in email, thought it was cute:


If you want someone who'll bring you the paper without first tearing it apart to remove the sports section,
buy a dog.

If you want someone willing to make a fool of himself over the joy of seeing you,
buy a dog

If you want someone who'll eat whatever you put in front of him and never say it's not as good as his mother made it,
buy a dog.

If you want someone always willing to go out, at any hour, for as long and wherever you want,
buy a dog.

If you want someone to scare away burglars without a lethal weapon which terrifies you and endangers the lives of your family and neighbors,
buy a dog.

If you want someone who'll never touch the remote, doesn't give a darnn about football, and can sit next to you as you watch romantic movies,
buy a dog.

If you want someone who's content to get on your bed just to warm your feet and whom you can push off if he snores,
buy a dog.

If you want someone who never criticizes what you do, doesn't care if you're pretty or ugly, fat or thin, young or old, who acts as if every word you say is worthy of listening to, and loves you unconditionally, perpetually,
buy a dog.

But, if you want someone who'll never come when you call, ignores you when you come home, leaves hair all over the place, walks all over you, expects you to serve dinner at all hours of the day and night, runs around all night, only comes home to eat and sleep, and acts as if your entire existence is solely to ensure his happiness,

Then my friend.........................

Buy a cat