House and Car Rules

Oh forgot to add a few house rules.

The dogs live here, you don't. It's their sofa.

Oh yeah, go ahead, try to push them down.

The cats? Don't worry about them, they'll wait til you're asleep and you won't feel a thing.

No, you cannot pet the fish. I pet the fish because they are used to me, you try to pet the fish, they'll probably die, don't pet the fish.
My dad had a rule of his own too.

The dog is a part of the family and if he didn't feel like leaving her home alone but she wasn't welcome in someone's house then he simply didn't visit them that day :)
Truck rules: Don't sit ON anything that happens to be on the seat. Don't touch anything, don't move anything, don't touch the radio or heat/ac, don't squash anything on the will NOT be able to put your feet on the floor, so figure out how not to squash anything yourself...without touching anything. Don't pick up anything, don't move anything.

House rules: don't let the dogs escape when you open the door. Put the lid down on the is not a drinking fountain for the dogs. DO NOT put empty ice cube trays back on the freezer.
In my car:

-If you're not going to wear your seat belt, You'll wear this bungee.
-Don't expect me to look at anything but the road when I'm driving.
-You can smoke, bungeed to the roofrack .
-Touch the radio, heater, a/c, you're riding the rack

In my house:

-No smoking
-The dog is there to prevent you getting fleas on the furniture. She's on your lap, and gonna stay there.

Mr.Bishop said:
NO seatbelt=no ride
No one smokes in my car...even me
music - HA...doesn't even have a car radio anymore...bloody thing died, so I'm suing a walkman and some old computer speakers (unpowered)
other than car's a what you like.

Don't smoke in my house...I got a kid...'nuff said
Don't harrass the cats.
No drugs!!!
Don't get in my way in the kitchen...if you like to it from somewhere else
Serve yourself...I'm a host, not a waiter
Please don't swear...the missus is bad enough and I don't want my kids first real word to be mo-fo

Invite me over and I'll fix the radio and piss on the seats. And if you quit smoking, you could spend more time with your kid.
When i get back a dog it'll be basically the same as if its a human family member, i.e fuck with it and die. I grew up with dogs and have great respect for their intelligence and playfulness.
odd dog that, mine knew when my dad was approaching from quite down the road, shook hands (never thought it that!) played dead :D standard dog tricks etc..
Through highschool he was my alarm clock, wakin me up at 7 for breakfast (cereal, eggs ANYTHING) bugged my mum at 1ish for lunch (cooked food only, refused dog food) and bugged me at 7 for dinner :D He was shot in the back and crawled 4 miles home and collapsed, and survived! 1inch more and his spine woulda been broken and he'd be cripple :eek: He understood words like bath (vamoosed as soon as he heard it or started trembling if tied :D) and vet, food etc.. :cool:
Allow me to demonstrate.

That would be a Shih Tzu. Other wise known as a fleabag.

Seriously. They were bred to attract fleas off of lords and royalty.
Mine is a Lhasa Apso so your dog is basically my dog who has run into a wall and squished her nose :D
Here she is:

Note: She has since lost that bed to a cat and has a new one. When we went to NFLD for Christmas my mom's friends took care of her and the cat adopted our dog's bed. :laugh5: