no smoking anything.
you will wear a seat belt or i'll drive like a maniac till you put one on or scream to be let out.
if you dont like whats on the radio, let me know. i'm sure i can find something we can agree on.
food and drink are allowed. if you spill something, clean it up immediately. there are plenty of napkins in the glovebox. i am very anal about keeping the interior clean.
i have a dog. if you dont like animals or dog hairs, stay outside.
no smoking anything inside. if you want to fire up a bong or a crack pipe, take it out back. i dont want the neighbors seeing you. and dont leave cigarette butts on the grounds.
drinking is allowed. if you have a few too many, the couch is very comfy. if you get pissing your pants/puking on your shoes drunk, i'm dragging your ass to the sidewalk.
the fridge is in the kitchen, help yourself.