House and Car Rules

Unc doesn't have a truck anymore. Totalled out in a rear-ender. Now he drives a 2002 Lexus. Just a small change.
This is the first time a thread got bumped and I actually had an update.

greenfreak said:
1.If you're not going to wear your seat belt, get out.
2.Don't expect me to look at anything but the road when I'm driving.
3.You can smoke only if you can open the window all the way and *not* get ashes in the car. Since I use my ashtray for change, you can't use that either.
4.I'll let you touch my radio but I have final say over what we listen to. Same with the heat/ac.
5.Nobody drives my car but me. (and Rusty if he ever gets his license but only because I'm the one teaching him)
1. I've had to tell this to both my parents in the last two weeks. They argue that if they're in a parking lot, they shouldn't have to. I put the car in park until they comply.

2. Same.

3. Rule rescinded. No one smokes in my new car. I'd rather it have new car smell than cigarette smell. The ashtray is still used for change.

4. Same.

5. Rule rescinded. Rusty passed his road test two days ago, he is now a licensed driver. He now drops me off at work and takes the car. I'm so proud. :)
HomeLAN said:

I don't think that's too restrctive, do y'all?
2-3 pills of my prescription meds, in a pill box tucked away safely from the kids,
in my pocket, is ok isn't it?

I'll leave the pill 'bottles' in the van.

I used to travel with just the little box, but if the law pulls me over, they
don't like it if you don't have the prescriptions with ya.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. Prescription drugs are allowed, assuming they've been prescribed to you. It's illegals that'll get you high-stepped out the door.
so he does allow for the nekkidness in the car then. Wahooo.... Unc you perv you.
no smoking anything.
you will wear a seat belt or i'll drive like a maniac till you put one on or scream to be let out.
if you dont like whats on the radio, let me know. i'm sure i can find something we can agree on.
food and drink are allowed. if you spill something, clean it up immediately. there are plenty of napkins in the glovebox. i am very anal about keeping the interior clean.

i have a dog. if you dont like animals or dog hairs, stay outside.
no smoking anything inside. if you want to fire up a bong or a crack pipe, take it out back. i dont want the neighbors seeing you. and dont leave cigarette butts on the grounds.
drinking is allowed. if you have a few too many, the couch is very comfy. if you get pissing your pants/puking on your shoes drunk, i'm dragging your ass to the sidewalk.
the fridge is in the kitchen, help yourself.
HomeLAN said:
She (the baby, not Tonks :D)wears diapers and a carseat - you'll survive.

I think he was disappointed that HE can't go potty in the Lexus :D
New Rules:


Buckle up, I don't care if you're over or under 16. I've decided that if there is an accident I want anyone in the car protected that way I don't have to think "If only they were wearing their seatbelt"
Do not tell me how/where to drive, if you have been asked to give directions do so well in advance
I have the final say over the radio station and volume
Clean up your mess when you get out, it is NOT my car and I do NOT want to get in shit fo ryour mess
Lock the door and put up the window when you get out of the car, I do not have power either and I do not want to be leaning and bending to lock all the doors and close the windows


The dog is a member of the family, she is treated as such by us and the same is expected from you
Just because my computer is in my room and my brother's is in his room does NOT mean you are welcome to just waltz right in, they're where they are PARTIALLY cause we like to control who uses them

I am to tired to think of any more...
Winky said:
So I guess raping the goldfish and taking a dump on the kitchen table is out then?

If you're physically capable of raping a goldfish you've got MUCH bigger...or...itty bitty..."issues" than not being allowed to take a dump on the kitchen table :lloyd:
I always thought, as the stereotypes go, that no one gives a shit about girth... if you have a 12-inch COCK it's great even if it's about as thick as a pencil.