House throws reparations door wide open

The only one who plays the race card is Obama.

um, yeah.

rolling on the floor, laughing my pale hairy ass off.

nah, no one here ever plays the race card. they just put up all kindsa threads about that kind of shit because they're so disinterested.

I do like the idea that in Jimbo's mind we could kidnap him and his family, kill or rape a couple of them, transport the rest of them to another country where we work asses off while beating or whipping them, and just feed them enough table scrap to survive.

As long as we paid him or his descendants $10 an hour at some future date there's no harm no foul.
just remember spikey, it's muslims who captured black africans and sold 'em to slave traders. so we'd have to get some of those obviously evil mohametans to at least initially subdue la familia peel.
i'm sorry jim but this is alarmist horseshit.

"throws the door wide open?"

Not so. Did you miss the part about "... a necessary first step towards any sort of reconciliation between people"? Just what do you think the second and subsequent steps will entail? What do you think will happen with Obama as president?

Try this:

And this:

people have been saying shit about slavery being regrettable for the past, what, 150 years or so?

And no amount of apology or effort has been able to appease the race baiters who run the business of race. Race is big business.

Tell me this: Why should I have to pay reparations for slavery? My family never owned slaves. My family originated from Illinois. Illinois was not a slave state and Illinois fought on the side of the Union forces. Reparations will be paid by everyone in the U.S. and in reality should only be paid by the states which had slavery.

Will my grandson qualify for reparations if he is mixed race?

Ever hear of the Underground Railroad? A couple of the destinations were CHICAGO AND JACKSONVILLE ILLINOIS!

Here's the map:


what's your problem with black people, anyway?

None whatsoever. If you ever come out here for that beer I will let you speak to my Black/White/Mexican/Yakima Indian grandson -- whom we sincerely hope will someday marry an Oriental Jewish woman so we can piss off every faction of racists. I have done more for integration with my penis than the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson -- both of whom married within their race -- could do with an inexhausible supply of school buses.

I believe in integration between the sheets. You cannot have true integration by moving people around in school buses.

I once lost a job because I told my boss that I did not appreciate his use of the word "Nigger" in my presence. I was out of there Friday afternoon.

Have you done any of the above? Have you married outside of your race? Have you had any mixed race children/grandchildren? Have you ever been fired from a job for defending another race?

Then shut the fuck up until you come for that beer and get to know me better.
History shows that when ever two cultures/races come together, there are only 4 possible outcomes:

1) Subjugation
2) Segregation
3) Assimilation
4) Annihilation

We've done 1 and 2 and nobody liked those options. 3 won't happen until people let go of the past. So, what's it going to be?
hey jimmy that's great that you've been helping to pave the way for a more diverse future. nice work.

dammit now i'm inspired to sign up for sensitivity training at work.

BTW "what's your problem with black people, anyway?" was tongue-in-cheek. i shoulda known better, though, with you since you're kinda literal. sorry you got so worked up.

but none of this diminishes the irrational alarmism of your initial post. hey, give 'em an inch...

i'm not for reparations either, and the part of my family that got here before about 1900, the non-swedish contingent, DID own slaves. not my problem. yarp the north realized many economic gains from slavery anyway, and bostonians moralizing about it was horseshit.
i'm sorry jim but this is alarmist horseshit.

"throws the door wide open?"

people have been saying shit about slavery being regrettable for the past, what, 150 years or so?

what's your problem with black people, anyway?

Fair enough. We've all said slavery was (is) a horror. In this age of high gas prices, economic slowdown, saving the mortgage slackers & a hot politican race, why did these idiots bring it up, much less waste taxpayer money with this trivial nonsense? It's step one in the BUY A VOTE campaign.
As far as I've seen, Obama may talk about race..but he's not "Playing the race card" any more than Condaleeza Rice (f'r instance) does.

Oh, really?

Obama said:
"Nobody thinks that Bush and McCain have a real answer to the challenges we face. So what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me. You know, 'he's not patriotic enough, he's got a funny name,' you know, 'he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills.' "
Assorted sources

Three times in three speeches yesterday.
The part that gets me on all of this is the lack of appreciation that Blacks have for their ancestors who paved the way for them to have what they have today. Their ancestors gave their all and they are reaping the rewards of that sacrifice.

Today's Blacks think nothing of the fact that without slavery the majority of them who live in America would today be running around the African Savannah in a loin cloth herding a bunch of cows and goats -- if they survived the tribal wars, genocide, and purges.

They have no appreciation that they are in a free country instead of under the thumb of some strongman dictator ala Idi Amin Dada or Robert Mugabe.

They sit here watching their favorite cable programs on a large screen HDTV never realizing they could as well have ended up with no TV, no electricity, no running water, no car, no local mini market, no cell phone, no iPod. They do not consider that they could be living under a piece of corrugated sheet metal digging in the local dump for food.

All they have today they owe to their ancestors who were brought here against their will and who kept the faith that some day they would have what the ingrates of today have -- freedom.

The best that many of them can consider is how much money they will make off of their ancestors in "reparations" for something which they never suffered through.

Ingrates is too nice of a word.
hey jimmy that's great that you've been helping to pave the way for a more diverse future. nice work.

dammit now i'm inspired to sign up for sensitivity training at work.

BTW "what's your problem with black people, anyway?" was tongue-in-cheek. i shoulda known better, though, with you since you're kinda literal. sorry you got so worked up.

A while back, I got called into the office because one of my customers said that I had made racially insensitive remarks and that I had profiled her. I thought she was Mexican but she is Navajo Indian. That was the "profiling" part.

She stated that "Mexicans aren't Indians" to which I answered "I beg to differ on that. There are many indiginous Indian tribes in Mexico like the Azteca, Michoacana, and Chiapan who, by the way, managed to mostly avoid the French and Spanish infuence." That was the part that was "racially offensive".

So they take me in there and give me a ration even though they know damned good and well I'm no racist -- especially against Indians. They have met my wife so they know that. They have seen me in action with minority customers and they see that I do not treat them any differently than I do any other customer.

Anyway, as I'm walking back to the front end, I started laughing my ass off as I thought to myself "Thank God I didn't bring up the Mescalero!" They are considered the "redheaded stepchild" of Indian tribes as they are a cross-border tribe which intermarried with the Mexicans. Their official American tribal territory is in New Mexico. Some Indian tribes do not consider the Mescalero as a Native American tribe.

But here is the thing that most people do not consider: David Duke, Tom Metzger, Louis Farrakahn, and the late, and unlamented, Kahlid Abdul Mohammed agreed on one thing -- they all hate my guts because I am a "race mixer". My offspring are those "mud people" they talk about.

I get equal enmity from both ends of the racist spectrum. They have all said it and they all mean it; but in the end, my way will be the one that works.
I think it is quite possible that Africans would have immigrated to the US the same as everybody else. Many of them did.

I wish this wasn't an issue anymore. I think everyone needs to let go of the past. Everyone.
History shows that when ever two cultures/races come together, there are only 4 possible outcomes:

1) Subjugation
2) Segregation
3) Assimilation
4) Annihilation

We've done 1 and 2 and nobody liked those options. 3 won't happen until people let go of the past. So, what's it going to be? that Congress has officially apologized for the things that were done to my ancestors, I can breathe a heady sigh of relief, knowing that that made everything better...right?

What a bunch of :bs:. This so-called apology is nothing more than pandering to the minority voters. I have no use for lame apologies at this point. I've moved beyond that. I ask for nothing except an equal shot at the "American Dream"...whoops...already have that. The only thing holding me back is the fact that its not Congress that should be issuing an apology. Congress didn't enslave my ancestors. I, personally, don't want any money. Just acknowledgement of my other ancestors...You know...the WHITE ones who, after it became illegal to import African slaves spent their time on a eugenics program and systematic rape in order to breed my ancestors for the roles they desired. I no uncertain terms...of mixed race. Both of African and European descent. At this point, words mean nothing. Actions mean everything. I can forgive the past. I don't have to like it.
I once lost a job because I told my boss that I did not appreciate his use of the word "Nigger" in my presence. I was out of there Friday afternoon.

Have you done any of the above? Have you married outside of your race? Have you had any mixed race children/grandchildren? Have you ever been fired from a job for defending another race?

Then shut the fuck up until you come for that beer and get to know me better.

Not aimed at me, but what the hell. My children are 1/4 Iroquois Mohawk, 1/4 French (White), 1/4 Spanish (Catalan) and 1/4 Basque. I was married to a 'mulatto' Jamaican woman (no children), and have dated outside my 'race' almost exclusively. :shrug: but I wasn't doing it for anything quite so noble as mixing the races/countering racism... it just happened that way.

To paraphrase the funky divas of soul "Free your mind, and the rest will follow. Be colour blind, don't be so shallow."
Today's Blacks think nothing of the fact that without slavery the majority of them who live in America would today be running around the African Savannah in a loin cloth herding a bunch of cows and goats -- if they survived the tribal wars, genocide, and purges....

Ingrates is too nice of a word.

well jim more power to ya on all your race mixing and whatnot, but the above sentiment... well, i hardly think many african americans are gonna be in a hurry to say

"thanks for enslaving my ancestors."

and in fact were it not for the dynamics introduced into the african continent by the meddling of western powers, the place and its peoples might be a completely different today. so, in a broader context, it's rubbing salt in there real good.

you also realize that what you said, above, would be interpreted more or less as a "jungle bunnies" comment? not saying that's what you mean, but that's the way it'll come off in a lot of cases.
I think it is quite possible that Africans would have immigrated to the US the same as everybody else. Many of them did.

I agree, but they would not be the numbers they are in the U.S. without slavery.

I wish this wasn't an issue anymore. I think everyone needs to let go of the past. Everyone.

Hear, hear!