How About The OTC Awards?


Well-Known Member
That’s right! Imagine The OTC Awards (or a unique name can be created for it if you guys want)!

I think this will be fun for us to have. The awards should be held biannually which would be every 6 months. I think the best time to start this would be this December and again in June (to coincide with the month that begins winter and the month that begins summer).

I think only the Admins should run the awards.

Alright, so what are these “awards”? To win an OTC Award is to win recognition for your character as a poster. It is determine by the posters. I have already come up with how to run it and some suggested categories. The categories are not set in stone and can be changed.

There should be 3 threads for each OTC Awards that are held. But there should be one thread for the announcement that the awards are coming and for people to make comments and suggestions. Suggestions about categories would be encouraged in the announcement thread (this very thread can be that “announcement” thread for the OTC Awards for this December so people can make suggestions for categories here).

The actual OTC Awards would be held in the "Lunatic Lounge" forum.

The first thread is the nomination thread. It will announce the categories and rules for the nomination process. All nominations are to be sent via PM from the message board to the Admin who is hosting the present awards to keep the nominations secret. The length of time to nominate should be about two weeks.

The second thread will contain the top 5 nominated posters for each category. This will be the official ballot to nominate from. This nomination process should be about 2 weeks.

The third thread will declare the official winners of the OTC Awards. All nominations and votes would be based on a 6 month period of past posts.

I have already come up with the rules and suggested categories. Here they are…


YOU MUST PM ALL NOMINATIONS. The five posters with the highest nominations will be on the final ballot to vote from when voting time comes. You should nominate the poster that you think should win an award of a particular category. The amount of nominations that someone gets will determine if he or she will be on the final ballot.

If there is a tie of nominations for the top five spots then all the tied posters will be in the final ballot to vote from.

It is alright if you don't nominate a poster for some categories. But it is encouraged that you try to nominate someone for each category. You can nominate the same person for a different category. You have two weeks till the deadline to nominate.


1.) You can only nominate one poster per category.

2.) You can not nominate yourself.

3.) You can only PM your nominations once.


Most Artistic Poster:

Most Outstanding Newcomer:

Best Obsessive Poster:

Best Moderator:

Poster Who Is Most Annoying and Deserves a Beat Down:

Poster With The Coolest Name:

Funniest Poster:

Best Charming Poster:

Most Insightful/Intelligent Poster:

Friendliest Poster:

Most Controversial Poster:

Poster Whom You’d Like to Meet:

Poster With The Best Sig. Graphic, Animation, Quote, Etc.:


It is pretty much the same as the nomination process.


The poster with the most votes will be declared the winner for each category. You can win more than one category. If there is a tie with more than one poster than all multiple tied posters will be declared the winner of that particular category.

It is alright if you don't vote for a poster for some categories. But it is encouraged that you try to vote for someone for each category. You have two weeks till the voting deadline.


1. You can only vote for one poster per category.
2. You can not vote for yourself.
3. You can only PM your votes once.

Another suggestion…

If we do have the OTC Awards I think another forum should be created (a good name for it would be “The OTC Hall of Fame”). When the third thread is posted with the winners and after about a month or so after the last reply in that thread then that thread should be locked. It should then be moved to “The OTC Hall of Fame” forum to be preserved and for others to view past awards.

So what do you guys think? Would you like to have the OTC Awards?
Hey how about a category I might win :crying4: :

Best WestCoast Canadian or sumsuch

*cancel that,imagines s flood of pms for "sumsuch ":lloyd:
unclehobart said:
Still, all in all, it just sounds like a primary school popularity contest. Do we need such a thing?
You're saying that we're more mature than a group of 5-11yr olds :alienhuh:
unclehobart said:
Still, all in all, it just sounds like a primary school popularity contest. Do we need such a thing?
we already have karma so why not...
unclehobart said:
No matter how much ganga passes my lips, that statement simply doesn't make sense.

[lewis black]"If it hadn't been for my horse, i wouldn't have spent that year in college."[/lewis black]

I guess our stand was that we're not prepared to administrate something like this at this level. However, if a few members want to throw their hats into the ring to administrate it and carry it through, then so be it. If membership desires this, there could be a voting thread to pick an administrator of the contest first.

*disclaimer* - that member could not be included in the voting, for obvious reasons.