how do you eat your meat?


New Member
- blue
- rare
- medium rare
- medium
- medium well
- well done
- cremated?

i tend to go for rare or medium rare depending on the establishment. i once had a rare steak in a seafood restaurant (yes i was asking for trouble from the start) and what i got was more like raw that had been quickly grilled and slapped on the plate. blood everywhere! ugh! a proper cooked steak no matter the doneness should never bleed! if only the chef was close by at the time....:barfonu:
Med Rare ... But it usually depends upon the cut of meat and the rep of the cook. Sometimes safety demands incinerated.
unclehobart said:
But it usually depends upon the cut of meat and the rep of the cook. Sometimes safety demands incinerated.

words to live long by....

however, if I trust the kitchen and it's properly aged beef, I like it very rare....

anyone here like Steak Tartare? mmmmm :grinyes:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
words to live long by....

however, if I trust the kitchen and it's properly aged beef, I like it very rare....

anyone here like Steak Tartare? mmmmm :grinyes:

Love long as I remember to tell them not to put a raw egg yolk on top :eh:
I definately go with Medium to medium rare. Course it depends on the place I get it from. But, you definately have to have some pink. It makes it more flavorful and more tender.
I like my meet medium well I it's JUST turned not pink...
Ms Ann Thrope said:
words to live long by....

however, if I trust the kitchen and it's properly aged beef, I like it very rare....

anyone here like Steak Tartare? mmmmm :grinyes:
steak tartare rocks!!!!!!!!oh yeah!!!!!now you've got me thinking about carpaccio....ooooooooooohhhhh, when's dinner?
Philly said:
well done for me

with any visible fat removed
tell me tell me tell me, how does that taste, the texture, is it dry? really dry and does everyone at the table hate you for ordering a well done steak which takes aes to cook?
well done.
i hate it so much when there's pink in my meat still. i hate the way it looks and tastes.

however, i don't like it when it's charred to a crunchy, hardened crisp. i still want it to be tender and nice.
breaky said:
tell me tell me tell me, how does that taste, the texture, is it dry? really dry and does everyone at the table hate you for ordering a well done steak which takes aes to cook?
actually i never order steak but if i did thats how i'd like it