How tall are you?

RecklessLeper said:
5'10" and 12.5 stones (175lb or 79.5kg)

Oh my god I feel huge (weight wise), oh well they do say muscle weighs more than fat...

*Arris frantically searches for any sign of muscles on his recently under exercised body*
catocom said:
I'm actually 6' even, unless I shrunk over
the last 2 years.:eek:
It seems people do that when they get older.:p

I used to be taller in HS, it seems that time in front of the puter made me shrunk. :(
If you tell me you're three feet tall and have false teeth, I may just have to divorce my wife.
i know :D

that's so funny about it...most people lie about wanting that.

i won't get my hopes on finding somebody THAT small though :(