Hows everyone doin?

Well I'm doing alright....
Well actually not... but I'm trying to break the habit of complaining :D

Busy... you don't get time to think when you're busy... :)

How's that new job of yours anyway Justin, have you started it yet?
I'm tired and poor. I used to be awake and rich, but I've got a rug-rat now...amazing how just one 22lb kid can change your life, eh?

Other than that...I'm scrambling for work so much that I'm starting to soun like a dog on linoleum.

I'm pretty good. We have a buying freeze at work because of all the layoffs (about to get a lot of stock back) so it's a bit slow. I'm getting around to all the stuff I couldn't get around to before and I'm finding out why I was content not go get around to it.

i'm ok, work is starting to pile on again and there are a spate of colds going around that i'm on the back end of one now. new radiohead cd is here though, and heartily enjoyed.
I've the day off since I worked last sat. and next too.

But I saw a school of the biggest, meanest catfish in the St-Lawrence this morning. Huge. Three foot long, at least a foot round. I sooooooo wanna get one of these bastards on a hook. But I think I wanna get me some braided line before I try it. I don't feel like loosing a $10 lure because my line was too light.