So I continue to cover them as they grow. Yes? But leave some of the tips above the surface... Not all have come up and those that have are very thin sprouts. I'm assuming I should wait for a bit and allow the slow growers to pop the shoots grow
Wet? That's good for seeds but if you're planning to put out tomato plants ... then you're right to wait.I have to do a certain type of physical therapy because of my condition,
so it's a little tough to get the heart rate up, but it just takes a little longer.
My diet is just a strict across the board intake cut.
I don't cut out anything completely. That helps on the mental aspect for me.
I just checked out the soil today, and it's still a little too wet anyway,
but have no doubt, I take care of what I need to real soon on the planting.
We're not too far behind the moon yet.
This is the first year I've planted cabbage and I planted from seed lettuce, radish-es, and onions have popped up.
I can't tell on the cabbage yet. This is the first I've grown from seed.
I'm not sure what they look like when the first break ground.