hurricane? earthquake? the gods are playing ...

You can hear the earth cracking, it all depends on what the soil is made of. Sometimes houses and buildings make noise too.

Never smelled a thing thou.

And to both of Gonz and marks, take your childish arguing to the RW forum :p
Whoever started it, it is equally childish to start as it is to keep going.
I was outside for the 1989 Loma Prieta quake and don't remember hearing anything. All the other quakes I've been through, I've been inside and heard them. I was more than 200 miles from the epicenter of the 1989 quake, if that makes a difference, although I did feel it quite strongly.
Why the hell started anything? I made a joke & followed it up with a personal observation. End of story.
Texas prepares for Hurricane Dean

By MONICA RHOR, Associated Press Writer Mon Aug 20, 8:06 AM ET

HOUSTON - Officials opened emergency operations centers, moved inmates to prisons deeper inland and passed out sandbags along portions of the Texas coast as Hurricane Dean barreled toward the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

Dean was several days away and its path was still uncertain, but officials weren't taking any chances. Even if the hurricane continues a steady westward course toward Mexico, parts of the already saturated state could be flooded by the storm's outer bands.

East Texas has already had an unusually rainy summer, and the remnants of Tropical Storm Erin caused flooding over the weekend that was blamed for one death in Taylor County and forced about 1,000 people to evacuate homes in Abilene.

As of 8 a.m. EDT Monday, Dean was about 440 miles east of Belize City and was traveling west at near 21 mph, the National Hurricane Center said.

The hurricane had 150 mph sustained winds, and experts said it could intensify to a Category 5 storm, with sustained winds of 156 mph or greater, before slamming into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula late Monday. A hurricane warning was in effect for the coast of Belize, the Cayman Islands and the Yucatan Peninsula as far north as Cancun.

With Dean on the way, officials in Cameron County, at Texas' southern tip, opened emergency operations centers and urged residents to evacuate ahead of the storm.

"Our mission is very simple. It's to get people out of the kill zone, to get people out of the danger area, which is the coastline of Texas," said Johnny Cavazos, the county's chief emergency director.

Unlike the devastating hurricanes of 2005, Katrina and Rita, Dean wasn't expected to swing far enough north to endanger the gulf's key oil and gas drilling regions, and a drop in oil prices Monday reflected that. Royal Dutch Shell PLC and Chevron said they would evacuate nonessential personnel from deep water facilities but production would continue at normal levels.

But Dean was clearly a danger to anything in its path. The storm had already killed eight people on its destructive march across the Caribbean. Jamaica was spared a direct hit Sunday night, but the storm still uprooted trees and tore roofs from homes as it skirted the island's southern coast.

In Brownsville over the weekend, a Home Depot ran out of plywood as residents rushed to board up windows, and about 60 people waited in line for a new shipment to arrive. Other customers crowded the store scooping up batteries, generators and flashlights, assistant store manager Edward Gonzalez said.

"We're hoping it misses us, but it is a huge, huge storm," said Gonzalez. "Everyone says they're not going to take chances."

Texas Gov. Rick Perry mobilized the National Guard and search-and-rescue teams, shipped 60,000 to 80,000 barrels of gasoline to gas stations in the Rio Grande Valley, and got a pre-emptive federal disaster declaration from President Bush. The state also sent six C-130 aircraft to Cameron County in case any critically ill patients needed to be evacuated. Hundreds of buses were on standby for possible evacuations.

In the resort town of South Padre Island, city officials distributed sandbags after a state of emergency was declared.

Three Texas prisons near the coast and a youth facility also relocated inmates and staff farther inland. Michelle Lyons, a Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokeswoman said Sunday night that the move had gone smoothly.

Even baseball was called off as a precaution. The United League canceled its final three regular season minor league baseball games.

"With four of our teams playing in the Rio Grande Valley and the impending threat of Hurricane Dean hitting landfall in the Valley, public safety necessitates this action," League President Craig Brasfield said.


I gotta ask ... Why are people in Brownsville rushing to buy plywood. Every damn year I hear the same thing. Damnit, you know you're living where hurricanes hit at least once a year. Buy the wood once, build heavy shutters, and keep them from year to year. Better yet, pay a bit more and get steel ones made and then you don't have to run about like a moron.

This is about as intelligent as a Canadian rushing to buy a snowbrush for his car.

I gotta ask ... Why are people in Brownsville rushing to buy plywood. Every damn year I hear the same thing. Damnit, you know you're living where hurricanes hit at least once a year. Buy the wood once, build heavy shutters, and keep them from year to year. Better yet, pay a bit more and get steel ones made and then you don't have to run about like a moron.

This is about as intelligent as a Canadian rushing to buy a snowbrush for his car.

I gotta ask... what good is plywood in a hurricane?
Nice thick oak over all the windows might rival the cost of new windows.

And technically you are supposed to leave one or two windows on each floor slightly ajar as to avoid pressure rising, the wood just keeps flying debris from busting the windows.
I am not certain of the physics behind it but during a hurricane the barometric pressure rises and if your house is completely sealed your windows can shatter.
I have a friend that is a Delta flight attendant. She was supposed to fly to Cancun this morning. I haven't heard from her to say the flight was cancelled.
Re: rising pressure

If you seal off your house and the pressure outside rises significantly then the pressure pushing in on the window is much higher than the pressure pushing out from inside...this is what could cause shattering. You want the pressure inside and the pressure outside to be close to each other, the net pressure needs to be under the strength of the having a couple windows cracked the pressures equalize.