I guess Omab's African half-brother isn't so poor he can't afford his weed

Oh, and I say Billy beer as an example of when to focus on the family, Billy was using the fact that his brother was president to cash in.
It's not as if Cerise would ever use name-calling against some democrat she didn't like. :laugh:
Why do you ask?

I know you like to encourage people to break the law, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the subject here.

not gonna answer the question, eh? just gonna run away and hide behind tactic number 3: answer questions with questions in hope of derailing original point

guess i win this time. woopfreakinee
not gonna answer the question, eh? just gonna run away and hide behind tactic number 3: answer questions with questions in hope of derailing original point

Your question was "what laws do you favor enforcing?"

The problem with your question is that I never indicated that I was against enforcing this or any other laws. So your question was irrelevant to this discussion.

You were making no point, so there was no point to be derailed. You lose again.

Are you still beating your wife? Please answer the question yes or no. :laugh:

Here's my thoughts, then. Take them for what you think they're worth...

If you voted for a candidate you didn't want, then you compromised yourself and your beliefs for an 'easy victory'. By doing so, you have truly thrown away your vote because you did not stand up for your convictions. What other people vote for is not really your core concern. Its what you, yourself, vote for that really counts. By choosing between the "lesser of two evils", you have still chosen evil. I'm not judging you on this, but, rather, what you really wanted vs what you got.
Charges dropped...

The Bush girls are their own people, and they were not president, so what they do is their own business.
Which is why every time possible, the press made headline stories of their stupid shenanigans.

Young Palin was not running for vice president, so what does it matter that she was pregnant.
Good question

Obama is President, not some half-brother he might not even know well.

Why can't people focus on the person, instead of family members?

Perhaps, in this instance, because he's explained that we are our brothers keeper. That is until it's his brother. Or aunt. It's ok to take my money & give it away but he won't take his money & help his family.
But his half brother says he lives well and doesn't want any help.

Also he's not taking any more of your money than Bush did. Most likely less.

This leaves you with no point again. If only you would check your facts first.
....Perhaps, in this instance, because he's explained that we are our brothers keeper. That is until it's his brother. Or aunt. It's OK to take my money & give it away but he won't take his money & help his family.

Carl Rove has trained you well young Sith Lord! It only matters if the situation involves someone you disagree with and you can rationalize all manner of situations, until the truth isn't even discernible.

Clinton got a blow job and lied under oath. I'm sure you wanted to see him jailed, but when tricky dick did his thing I'm sure that was just poor judgment and a lot of people blowing things out of proportion right? Bush took us to war under false pretenses, but thats an excusable mistake right? Cheney shot someone, deceived authorities, and experts believe it was an intentional shooting, but well dirty work if it furthers the cause, or covering up for the home team guy, well no big deal huh?

And you always state your political theories and opinions, as if they were hard facts. You really ought to go work for the party, probably would make a lot more money than you do now and run some nice smear campaigns and help a lot of Republicans get elected.
Carl Rove has trained you well young Sith Lord!
No better than Mr Soros taught you. Where is the spin in my statement?

Clinton lied under oath.
See, that's a crime where I come from. When the highest office-holder in the land does it, he should be removed, since his creedibility is shot.

Bush took us to war under false pretenses, but thats an excusable mistake right?
Ya might wanna check your facts. Congress okayed it. For that metter, so did the UN Security council.

Cheney shot someone, deceived authorities, and experts believe it was an intentional shooting,
What deception? What experts?

And you always state your political theories and opinions, as if they were hard facts.
They are. Since I'm the one typing, there's no need to include the IMO part.

You really ought to go work for the party, probably would make a lot more money than you do now and run some nice smear campaigns and help a lot of Republicans get elected.

Why? I'm not a Reublican. I have more in common with that party that the Democrats but I'm not part of their mess.
See, that's a crime where I come from. When the highest office-holder in the land does it, he should be removed, since his creedibility is shot.

He was acquitted. Somehow you keep forgetting that. Bush lied to you countless times and you always made excuses for it. You really don't know anything about credibility.

Ya might wanna check your facts. Congress okayed it. For that metter, so did the UN Security council.

That does not logically mean he didn't mislead you. In fact it just shows he mislead them too. No WMDs, no imminent threat.

They are. Since I'm the one typing, there's no need to include the IMO part.

That is pretty annoying when you make up shit with no basis in reality and then state it as fact. The shit is easy to prove false or made up and just makes you look like you don't know what you're talking about.

If on the other hand you are just staing your theory on something there is actually a need to clarify it as your thoughts and not hard facts. Otherwise someone is going to ask you to back up your statement with a source and you won't have one. Saves time and people won't think you're trying to mislead them.

Why? I'm not a Reublican. I have more in common with that party that the Democrats but I'm not part of their mess.

If you voted for them you're part of their mess.
Could not have responded better Spike, thanks!

BTW Gonz do a little reading on the Cheney shooting incident and try not to let your irrational hatred of anything you perceive as on the political left to blind you to what he did. He ought to be in prison for that alone, not to mention the many other crimes he committed, yet the power of his office protected him from. The man is scum, even if you agree with his politics, it doesn't make him any less scum.

BTW I have no idea who Soros is, although I think his first name is George? What you don't realize is that I am NOT a liberal. In one fundamental way I am very left, (HEALTHCARE!) but otherwise I just side with which side I agree with. Unfortunately since Clinton left office the Republican party has really become the Repugnant party. Religion is probably the most dangerous threat to civilization man has ever known, not to mention money being the root of most evil. Since Bush Junior took office it seems to be the only real concerns of the party, aside from world domination (which comes down to money).....

Oh well, it isn't worth trying to convince anyone to see reason in politics, but it is fun to spar with our keyboards I suppose.

Oh and sorry for labeling you Republican, but then put your skills to real good use and make your own party, or make one of the small parties, viable, the one party system we have now sux! Even if I hated your new party it could only do the country good!
Could not have responded better Spike, thanks!

BTW Gonz do a little reading on the Cheney shooting incident and try not to let your irrational hatred of anything you perceive as on the political left to blind you to what he did. He ought to be in prison for that alone, not to mention the many other crimes he committed, yet the power of his office protected him from. The man is scum, even if you agree with his politics, it doesn't make him any less scum.

So Kennedy should be in jail, too, for Chappaquiddick, right?

random said:
BTW I have no idea who Soros is, although I think his first name is George? What you don't realize is that I am NOT a liberal. In one fundamental way I am very left, (HEALTHCARE!) but otherwise I just side with which side I agree with. Unfortunately since Clinton left office the Republican party has really become the Repugnant party. Religion is probably the most dangerous threat to civilization man has ever known, not to mention money being the root of most evil. Since Bush Junior took office it seems to be the only real concerns of the party, aside from world domination (which comes down to money).....

Since the only folks really upset with religion are pseudo-atheists or people looking for a scapegoat for all their own ills, I'll leave that one alone...for now.

Random said:
Oh well, it isn't worth trying to convince anyone to see reason in politics, but it is fun to spar with our keyboards I suppose.

Oh and sorry for labeling you Republican, but then put your skills to real good use and make your own party, or make one of the small parties, viable, the one party system we have now sux! Even if I hated your new party it could only do the country good!

Well...all things considered, one needs only look at your avatar to see which group you affiliate with. As far as the labels go, however, you are almost correct. The main difference between the parties we have is how they take your money from you.
Well...all things considered, one needs only look at your avatar to see which group you affiliate with. As far as the labels go, however, you are almost correct. The main difference between the parties we have is how they take your money from you.

I am glad you fancy yourself smarter than I am about my avatar's meaning! I am not democrat, though so I bet with this little hint you might be able to figure out my avatar....

I suppose religion is OK as long as it's 'bout Jesus right? Everybody else is a satanist? Religion isn't a bad thing for most folks, even Islam, but mixed with politics it is a BAD bad thing....