If he actually said that, yes I believe it was a lie. It just boggles the mind when one starts to question how such a thing could have happened, and upon further investigation the story unravels.
I think the most damning pieces of evidence are the phony phone calls, the explosions in the towers that all the firefighters report having heard coming before the collapse from both above and below them, (there was major damage on the ground floor before the collapse began) and probably the worst part is the absolute absence of any airplane wreckage at the Pentagon, and the near impossibility of even the most skilled pilot to fly that kind of airplane into such a low building. Like I say, I think you should watch the two movies, what have you got to lose since you know everything and know without even considering it that they are fake? Should be a good laugh? But I think you won't because even admitting the possibility that the official account is not the truth would probably damage your psyche in was that cannot be repaired. Go ahead, live in fear of the "next attack".
Be afraid, be very very afraid! That is exactly where the right wing and the terrorists, (because there IS real terrorism as well) want you! Me, I'll be enjoying life and staying cautiously optimistic, and when we get nuked you can have the pleasure of telling me you told me so!
Oh and BTW, don't come at me with all the counter claims about the fake phone calls and Pentagon and such, I have already read them and they do have a certain plausibility, but that is indeed the purpose of propaganda, and when you get down to it, that plausibility does not come close to equal to even probability. I ALWAYS make a point to look at the counter claims and watch the counter film pieces. Maybe some who disagree with me do as well but most either won't, or won't then they lie and say they do. For that matter most who agree with me do not look at material from both sides of an argument.