I hear the call...

Inkara1 said:
Its' true that it's not as quick as a firebox... but it's quicker than having to move the food. It's a time-honored tradition over here. The Santa Maria Chamber of Commerce actually trademarked the recipe.

They trademarked a mixture of salt, pepper, and garlic salt? :rofl4: Only in California. :D
Ink, your article made the brazen claim that it was known as the barbecue capital of the world....which is utter horseshit beyond the pale.

It was an accident to put salt, pepper, and garlic on a piece of meat? Thats a simple starter base for anywhere else thats been used for generations. The light rub formula was copyrighted in 1978... 1978?! Its not barbecue. Its friggin whacked pastrami.
I was gonna buy one of those smokers, Gato, but time is too much a constraint on me. And while 4 hours in smoke will make the best tasting steaks, I simply don't have that much time to dedicate to anything. One day, tho.
unclehobart said:
Ink, your article made the brazen claim that it was known as the barbecue capital of the world....which is utter horseshit beyond the pale.

It was an accident to put salt, pepper, and garlic on a piece of meat? Thats a simple starter base for anywhere else thats been used for generations. The light rub formula was copyrighted in 1978... 1978?! Its not barbecue. Its friggin whacked pastrami.
You sound so....indignant! :laugh:
Leslie said:
You sound so....indignant! :laugh:

We get that way about our barbecue down here. It's almost a religious experience to us. Kinda like hockey with y'all...the rest of the world may not care, but it matters to us.
Professur said:
I was gonna buy one of those smokers, Gato, but time is too much a constraint on me. And while 4 hours in smoke will make the best tasting steaks, I simply don't have that much time to dedicate to anything. One day, tho.

Yep. I have 45 minutes, at best, to put together a meal after work. While I'd love to do charcoal or wood fire grilling, I don't have the time to let the damn fire burn down to the point that I can cook, and then cook on it.

Gas grill day-to-day.
HomeLAN said:
Yep. I have 45 minutes, at best, to put together a meal after work. While I'd love to do charcoal or wood fire grilling, I don't have the time to let the damn fire burn down to the point that I can cook, and then cook on it.

Gas grill day-to-day.

Might as well cook inside on the stove...:( :p Smoking does take time, though, and with the size of your family, I do give you props for trying. I don't barbecue that much, mostly for the same reasons. 12 hour shifts, 5 days a week can put a damper on your true barbecue experience...especially my shift. I think I'll rise up early this Sunday, though, just to get the fire started. 20 minutes is about all it takes to get the coals good and hot, then toss on a few medium sized branches of pecan wood...I can taste those ribs already... :evilcool: :licklips:
SouthernN'Proud said:
That ain't barbecue. Son, didn't you learn nothin' when you came down here?

Barbecue is slow roasted over open flame, slathered in sauce, then pulled and shredded by hand. Then slathered in more sauce. Real sauce...none of that sissy southwest fancy-schmancy frufru stuff. Here's a sure fire giveaway: If your sauce has cilantro, lime, the zest of anything, or any fruit whatsoever in the recipe, it ain't barbecue.

You should be able to taste the smoke in every bite.

You should require no less than 14 medium-size paper towels after finishing your meal.

You should feel moderate depression when you finish your meal, because there ain't no more barbecue.

Barbecue should only be served with the following side items: baked beans, fried potatoes, slaw, pickle spears, sliced onion, or corn on the cob. Period. No salad allowed. Too damn healthy.

I swear, I'll get you edumacated yet! :lloyd:

Coleslaw is a salad...how about potatoe salad? Is that an ok side dish??

*settles in for some BBQ learnin'*

*by settles in she means "tries to make a mental note to remember to check this thread again for an answer"*
Nixy said:
Coleslaw is a salad...how about potatoe salad? Is that an ok side dish??

He meant one of those fancy 'fru-fru' salads the California set likes to call trendy.

BTW...there's no 'e' on the end of potato, Ms Dan Quayle. :D

Nixy said:
*settles in for some BBQ learnin'*

*by settles in she means "tries to make a mental note to remember to check this thread again for an answer"*

Anything I miss, I'm sure my fellow barbecue fanatics will fill in...such as the difference between a Carolina sauce, a Memphis sauce, and a Texas sauce. ;)
Potato salad is fine --- as long as it is made with onion and a dollop of mustard to give it some zing. :)

A good, thick slab of crusty bread works well to sop up the juice. Unbuttered works better sopping up meat juices and sauce. Also works well as a plate cleaner.
TexasRaceLady said:
If'n you want to get fru-fru, you make mashed potato salad. Personally, I like nice chunks of potato in mine.

Mashed potato salad? WTF is that? (pardon my French) Never mind. My Yankee is showing. If you go with mashed potatoes, you might as well just make gravy as make a salad. It's the same amount of work, and goes much better with barbecue. ;)
This mornin' in Sidney Ohio...

Country ham, eggs over easy, scattered smothered & covered...
I need a hood to put over the element in mine. Mine corroded to the point that it simply crumbled away, and the food drippings are going right onto the element and clogging the gas holes. It makes it a bitch to get lit.

One of these evenings, I'm going to miss the timing on that exercise and blow myself to shit.