I hope everyone enjoys their healthcare in the stimulus package

now that you've corrected my negligence, what about the substance of my objections to this lady's obvious slanting of the act from standardizing IT stuffs into ohmigawd it's giant evil uncle sam controlling my medical destiny!

Fine. You posted:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Engrossed Amendment as Agreed to by Senate)
office of the national coordinator for health information technology

(including transfer of funds)
For an additional amount for `Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology', $3,000,000,000, to carry out title XIII of this Act which shall be available until expended: Provided, That of this amount, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall transfer $20,000,000 to the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the Department of Commerce for continued work on advancing health care information enterprise integration through activities such as technical standards analysis and establishment of conformance testing infrastructure so long as such activities are coordinated with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology: Provided further, That funds available under this heading shall become available for obligation only upon submission of an annual operating plan by the Secretary to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate: Provided further, That the Secretary shall provide to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate a report on the actual obligations, expenditures, and unobligated balances for each major set of activities not later than November 1, 2009 and every 6 months thereafter as long as funding under this heading is available for obligation or expenditure.

Basically, what I take from that is that the newly formed "Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology" will be using the expertise of NIST to set up the technology and develop the programming and software that they will be using to record, track, monitor, and evaluate every American's health records with. Nothing new about this. NIST does this all the time. That is their function. Where else would they go to set up this program's standards and technology -- the State Department? Now that Hillary's running it, that might not be a bad choice seeing as how she is so gung ho on health care; and the last boondoggle she came up with had more ways to imprison you and your doctor than you and he had ways to get there.
right. so, basically, other than your (and your author's) ideas that somebody who might disagree with you politically will interpret and utilize the act to do something you don't like... there ain't much there.

in the end this thread is about yet another opinion piece with an a fairly transparent slant.

too bad the text of the actual act was referenced and so readily available. otherwise, y'all coulda scared some more peabrains.
I was just thinkin' jim.....
I don't think 'enjoy', and healthcare look right in the same sentence/heading.

I never enjoyed it much.:disgust2:
Yet we have discussed the wall that Toricelli and Gorelick built HERE that precluded the FBI and CIA from interfacing and, as I recall, the lefties here were against the removal of that wall.

I just looked through the thread and either you recall wrong or are blatantly lying. Which is it Jim?

Since you just had to look at the thread to post the link I'm guessing you're lying purposefully.

Minkey said:
in the end this thread is about yet another opinion piece with an a fairly transparent slant.

Yep, it's getting old. Actually it's been old for quite some time.
in the end this thread is about yet another opinion piece with an a fairly transparent slant.

Betsy McCaughey got her position as a scholar at Hudson Institute by contacting Pharma and suggesting her history in the health care field would be to their advantage. So you might wonder what is wrong with that. Nothing really. Or is there when you know Hudson Institute is a think tank and political research group funded by drug companies, drug store chains and bio-medical suppliers who are scared to death of any plan or program containing the words health care and government. McCaughey's report takes many things out of context to strengthen her position and for anyone seriously interested, all is available on the internet. Oh! Almost forgot, the "new position of health care coodinator" has been held by Dr. David Brailer since 2004 when he was appointed to the position by President Bush. And the "new bureaucracy was formed by executive order by President Bush in 2004.
It is refreshing to see so many here realize how bogus McCaughey's report really is. Then there are those who will stumble over one another in an effort to find any means possible to discredit President Obama. Where oh where were those gallant warriors of integrity when Bush was president?
I'm gonna raise a little hell about the fiscal enslavement bill for a while,
before thinking about a break.:elaugh2:
righttoo bad the text of the actual act was referenced and so readily available. otherwise, y'all coulda scared some more peabrains.


It was released at 11PM Thursday night & voted on before 2PM Friday. It's nearly 1100 pages. NOBODY READ IT.
so law enforcement agencies should not have the ability to interface their IT for information-sharing because there's some risk of sharing of firearm records?

Why does the federal government have firearm records? There is only one reason to keep records of legal transactions is to keep track of.....

It was released at 11PM Thursday night & voted on before 2PM Friday. It's nearly 1100 pages. NOBODY READ IT.

you're right. i don't know what i was thinking. the dittoheads would not inquire into the actual text. they would just shake their fists obediently.
Why does the federal government have firearm records? There is only one reason to keep records of legal transactions is to keep track of.....

i don't think the fed should have firearms records. but you're not addressing the bigger point here, dude. are we to stifle ANY and EVERY potential for more efficient exchange of information across agencies - that could save a shitload of money and/or possibly prevent terrorist attack - because it might make certain inappropriate uses of, um, 'expedient exchange' within easier reach of supertwits?
I'm not against efficient exchanges of information. I'm against the government running it. It's not their job.

As far as governmental agency to agency transfer, they're morons. If one bureau has it, they all have it...since they're employed by the same source.
The one creating divisions are the ones I, and several others, rail against.

you're right. i don't know what i was thinking. the dittoheads would not inquire into the actual text. they would just shake their fists obediently.

Better to shake our fists & change nothing than to enact into law what nobody has an ikling of it's full & complete contents. Sounds like breach of trust to me.

Floor Speech Opposing Democrats' Trillion-Dollar Spending Bill by GOP Leader John Boehner:

"Here we are with eleven hundred pages! Eleven hundred pages not one member of this body has read! NOT ONE!! There may be some staffer over in appropriations committee that read all of this last night. I don't know how you could read eleven hundred pages between midnight and now?!"

"Not ONE member has read this!"

"What happened to the promise that we're gonna let the American People see what's in this Bill for 48 hours?"

"But NOPE!" (Drops entire bill on the floor).

"We don't have time to do that!"