I hope everyone enjoys their healthcare in the stimulus package

Oh, I understood it before. Throw more money at a problem that throwing money at hasn't solved. Of course it will work this time. :disgust:

See, that's the problem. We're not throwing money at the problem, hoping (there's that word again) it'll go away.

They're writing bills that spend money we don't have & calling it stimulus when in relaity, it's pork & earmarks making up for twenty five years of non-control of the complete government.

Next week they'll begin the economy stimlus package.

Why is it an employers job to provide you health insurance?

It's not. It's a benefit that many employers offer. The government is forcing many employers to provide a perk which is akin to slavery.

The one wanting insurance is the one who needs to get it. Expensive? Hard to get? That sucks.
They're writing bills that spend money we don't have & calling it stimulus when in relaity, it's pork & earmarks making up for twenty five years of non-control of the complete government.

No, that's incorrect.

It's not. It's a benefit that many employers offer.

A pretty standard one that really doesn't make much sense.

The one wanting insurance is the one who needs to get it.

Umnn... Duh?

Expensive? Hard to get? That sucks.

Yep, it's a real problem.
A pretty standard one that really doesn't make much sense.

Readers digest version...

After WW2, empoyers were looking for ways to gain more employees. Salaries are set by the market & it's foolish to overpay, so they decided to add some benefits. Insurance was a good one. Relatively cheap, it made the Mrs happy & looked good in an ad.

Somewhere along the way, it became an expected perk instead of a added benefit. Then in the 90's, government got the idea it was mandatory.

So, here we are.
They're writing bills that spend money we don't have & calling it stimulus when in relaity, it's pork & earmarks making up for twenty five years of non-control of the complete government.

Please excuse my naivet'e, but explain the specific pork & earmarks referenced.
And good intentions is all that counts with humans; results be damned.
Fixed it for you.

Exactly teh same argument people have been using for/against Global warming, oil pipelines, wind power, nuclear etc etc...

The problem is that you can study something for a very long time - but eventually you have to act on the study. If you don't act , it's all a form of mental masturbation.

You sacrifice a bit of reflection to act quicker...or you sacrifice time/effect in order to reflect more.
Please excuse my naivet'e, but explain the specific pork & earmarks referenced.

ACORN-"up to $750,000,000 shall be awarded by competition to nonprofit entities or consortia of non-profit entities"

AMTRAK-$800,000,000 "to enable the Secretary of Transportation to make capital grants to Amtrak "

High speed rail - "For an additional amount for ‘‘Capital Assistance for of Transportation to make grants for capital costs as au- 23
thorized by chapter 244 of title 49 United States Code, 24
$300,000,000...up 11
to 100 percent."

Money to the states (federalism at it's finest)

Read this, damn near everything there is pork.

There's plenty more where that came from
ACORN-"up to $750,000,000 shall be awarded by competition to nonprofit entities or consortia of non-profit entities"
AMTRAK-$800,000,000 "to enable the Secretary of Transportation to make capital grants to Amtrak "
High speed rail - "For an additional amount for ‘‘Capital Assistance for of Transportation to make grants for capital costs as au- 23
thorized by chapter 244 of title 49 United States Code, 24
$300,000,000...up 11 to 100 percent."
Money to the states (federalism at it's finest)
Read this, damn near everything there is pork.
There's plenty more where that came from

And this upsets you why? I thought you were the guy who was anti-stimulus?
Anti-stimulus-package & even more anti-pork/earmarks.

All of these things need to be directly & sinlgularly introduced & debated.

What this 800 billion dollar deal really does is make up for 25 years of leftist spending not getting fulfilled. Something like 50 billion going to the NEA. Where's the economic stimulii there?
Anti-stimulus-package & even more anti-pork/earmarks. All of these things need to be directly & sinlgularly introduced & debated. What this 800 billion dollar deal really does is make up for 25 years of leftist spending not getting fulfilled. Something like 50 billion going to the NEA. Where's the economic stimulii there?

It is easy to urinate and make guttural noises about the package by President Obama but it is also hypocritical. Especially in light of the declaration by Gonz when he stated he didn't agree with a stimulus package. Yet the knit picking at what has been approved is expressed. If you do not support a stimulus package, further discourse of the content is unnecessary.

BUT, just for the record, ACORN is not mentioned anywhere in the stimulus package. That is a figment of an over active imagination by neo-cons trying to distort the truth and instill fear among their peers and the lesser informed of their followers.
Makes a good talking point but has no truth.
BUT, just for the record, ACORN is not mentioned anywhere in the stimulus package.

Sure it is....it's written in legalese
nonprofit entities or consortia of non-profit entities
As for the rest, it was passed, with or without my support. Since it is now law, I have every right to expose the fraud for what it is.
Sure it is....it's written in legalese

No Gonz, ACORN is NOT mentioned in the stimulus bill. You can flog, jog, tap dance or pirouette all around the "legalese" but ACORN is not in the package. But if it were, ACORN, like everyone else, must enter a competitive bidding situation before they are awarded a contract for anything.

OH CRAP !!!! (Frank Probity slaps forehead) I KNOW !!! I KNOW!!!

You've been listening to Limbaugh again. Haven't you. Admit it. That is the only place neo-cons come up with :bs: and try to pass it off as truth.
GEEZE! No wonder the country is screwed up.
ACORN is the secret group that controls ALL! forget the illuminati. forget cerise's secret unnamed internationalist group. forget all that. it's ACORN!!!!!