I love ATI!


I got my shiny ATI Radeon 9000 AIW, and I installed it today.

Pic 1, Pic 2

I hooked up my cable TV (I don't have my satellite receiver yet) and off I go...

Pic 3, Pic 4

The nice thing about the ATI software is that you can do a sort of "See Thru" thing with the TV. It will turn all windows transparent and put the TV as your wallpaper or as a window, allowing you to sort of watch TV even though you're surfing the web.

Pic 5 (enabling See Thru), Pic 6 (see the TV in the background?)

Pic 6:

And the GemStar TV guide that comes with it is excellent and free! Pic 7

I'm downloading 3dmark 2003 right now and will then see how much I get. Pic 8
DAMN! I didn't know ATI gves cell phones, a mouse & pad & speakers. :cool:
Anybody get the Nvidia drivers yet? They've got some funky shit with them now. Nview, and something else, it lets you twist your desktop around, hard to describe, I'll see if I can do a screenshot of it tonight, if not, I'll take a digi pic.
ATi make some great hardware, yeah.

I was e-mailed by them today. Think I'm in trouble... :( :erm:


PT: Yeah, that was kind of an eye opener. The picture is a whole lot fuzzier when I do portrait mode, I never knew my monitor's vertical focus(?) was so sucky.
Hmm... I have a problem now.

They have asked me to name the guy who is the source of the info. I don't know him personally but can end his career with just a single e-mail.
