i think i've discovered..

And who employs the nurses? A Doctors office. Believe me, they get theirs.
Wimmins birth control is prescribed quarterly. Sometimes it requires the Dr. to write a script or it requires an in office injection. Not to mention the IUD's etc that have to be implanted.
On top of that, for the Dr. to prescribe these things you have to be current on your PAP smears and blood work which the DR. orders.
All the years the missus was on the pill, I think we might have paid for it 3 times. All the rest was freebies from the doctor's office, that he was given by the pharmacutical reps.
Dave said:
..the secret of light ice cream.

it freezes solid so you end up either working off the calories getting it out of the container before you eat it or you just give up and save the calories.

Pop it into the microwave and nuke it....
highwayman said:
Pop it into the microwave and nuke it....

i've actually tried that. didnt work too good. ended up with melted goop on top and permafrost below.
Dave said:
i've actually tried that. didnt work too good. ended up with melted goop on top and permafrost below.

You don't like frozen glop?

seriously you should have used a lower setting on the nuke it gizmo...
Mix Grand Marnier with maple syrup in a pan, boil raspberries in said mixture for 5 mins, crushing the raspberries into a mush... pour warm over ice cream.

MrBishop said:
Mix Grand Marnier with maple syrup in a pan, boil raspberries in said mixture for 5 mins, crushing the raspberries into a mush... pour warm over ice cream.


i'll have to remember that
tonksy said:
And if anyone answers "You might be a redneck" I promise to be duly offended ;)
*claps hand over mouth*
*taps feet*
*strains to not say anything*



*wanders off to do something liberal*
okay...new Ben & Jerry's experience for me. Vermonty Python!Coffee liquor ice cream with a chocolate cookie crumb swirl & fudge cows.
"and now for something completely euphoric. We interrupt ourselves with much hooting through tin horns to bring you this brilliant new ice cream made from dried shubbery and old cereal packets. Don't be daft - we're just having you on a bit, all right? This is a ripping good flavor, really, so buy it quickly now and run away, silly person, or we shall taunt you a second time!"
I found a limited edition one from ben and jerry's, American Pie. It's apple pie ice cream, and it tastes like fresh out of the oven apple pie, with chunks of crust and apples.....


*wonders how bad it could be to sneak out and go get some....*
Never saw that one before! I was tempted to buy the girls Marsha, Marsha, Marshmallow but I got them Neapolitan dynamite instead - that's Cherry Garcia mixed with the fudge brownie one.
I love Ben & Jerry's :D
Hmmm, Ice-creammm... I tried some delicious ice-cream made with goats milk during our food festival over here earlier this summer... it was ab-so-lutely scrummy yummy! And not that expensive, plus they make lots of flavours and they're only across town... I don't eat ice-cream on a daily basis but now I know where to go to get some for a special occassion... and no you can't tell the difference from the taste. :)
breyers and haagen dazs make good light icecream, IMO. the "Half the fat!!" stuff.

i wish banana icecream--my current favorite--was more common, then it might exist in light.

i'm actually about to try soy icecream. i see it every time i go to the store and it piques my interest a little more each time.