I thought we grew up at some point

this is one reason I tried to stick to companies that had 20 employees
or less. It seems you have to bullshit more, and put up with more bullshit
in the bigger companies. You also seem to have less job security, so a lot
of people start brown-nosing. I can't stand brown-nosers.
In my experiences as manager of a sizable machine shop, I learned to
quickly pick out the bullshitters in an interview. Very seldom that those people
got the job. Also just because you went to school and got a piece of paper,
didn't mean you got the job either. I just had a sense of what a person
could and couldn't do after I talked with them several minutes.
I don't fluff my resume and I choose the jobs I apply for (and accept) carefully. I interview them as much as they interview me because I know I have a work ethic like nobody's business which is not too common these days. On an interview, I have a pretty good mix of confidence without seeming conceided. I am always myself, never less, never more.

But I still do the preparations beforehand, just in case I get someone who actually knows what they're doing. I prepare my outward image, practice my replies to common questions, practice my own questions to them, bring a pad and pen, dress appropriately, always have fresh breath and dry hands.

Now the fun part comes on a technical interview. If you're not going to make me prove that I know what I say I know, you're probably not worth my time. Whether it be questions or sitting me down in front of a computer, that's the stuff that seperates the men from the boys. Or the girls from the women in my case. :D

I guess I've been pretty lucky, I've only met with one person who didn't take an interest in making the interview process the best it could be. I knew he was a bullshitting jackass just from his message on my answering machine, and that was confirmed in the interview. But I accepted the job anyway, and it worked out pretty well in the end.
Kudo's to Cat
that really summarizes it, don't it?

catocom said:
I just had a sense of what a person
could and couldn't do after I talked with them several minutes.
I did CV triage for a while in the Hotel biz..along with interviews etc... there are 50 BS CVs for every decent one, and 20 assholes who had someone professionally make their CV and bullshitted on it for every hireable person out there.

Receiving 200+ CV for every job opening, interviewing 5-10 and choosing one person and one backup is not exactly easy. In fact...it's downright frustrating. It's good when you pick the right candidate and it works...but often you have to deal with the 'almost right' person, UN-train them and train them the right way.
heh...I got the job.

Screwed the interview (The inspiration for this thread) but managed to get it.

IDLEchild said:
heh...I got the job.

Screwed the interview (The inspiration for this thread) but managed to get it.


Congrats..... maybe telling you your interview results like that was another form of test to see how you would handle it.
So THAT's it.
I have 3 brain cells.
Damn, I knew it was something, but I guess I needed 4 brain cells to figure it out.
IDLEchild said:
Job interviews....is there anything more perplexing and absurd about human sociolization than job interviews?

You sit there, your interviewer sits there...you both know the truth, you both know that you are completely pretending to be something you're not, you both know how resumes are B.S to high heaven to get attention, you both know the responses you'll give are complete and utter, baseless lies wrapped in ficiticious smiles....

you both sit there knowing full well what people do to get to and at job interviews and yet......both of you go on with the lie like it completely doesn't exist....like you don't even have any recollection of the farce swimming around you.

We all give the most cliche, retarded answers and the interviewer pretends like this is the first time he/she has ever heard this nonsense.

I don't get it, I really don't. The whole enigma of job interviews puzzle me. Why can't people just admit to each other the horrendous lies going on and give job interviews like normal humans....you know, the ones who don't smile till their face hurts.

I sit there watching job interviews or giving them and an amazed at how incredibly foolish this behavior is yet it is so acceptable like nothing about it is wrong or moronic. We shake hands, say goodbyes and leave...how fast that smiles falls off the face and we start recounting word for word the answers we gave like trained monkeys....incredible.

I don't get it....I really don't.

Well, I never got that absolute idea of job interviews in a socially accepted way anyway.
Nor did I ever go to one, acting like that.
Nor did I ever get turned down if I did go there.

It's a matter of going to the right job interviews, finding people who you can relate to and a portion of luck.
I never acted any way different than myself, never got into a suit just because society says i should, while i never where one anyway.

Worked pretty well for me so far. Be decent, be yourself and not as uptight as all the others who try to be as society wants them to be, and in the right cases you get the attention which puts you above the rest.
Or kicks you out of the race, but then you can wonder whether or not that was really what you wanted in the first place...