If I didn't have enough reason not to shop there already ...


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Wal-Mart, gay group form alliance

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Published on: 08/24/06

Washington — Wal-Mart, the retail giant that grew up in the rural South, is moving to attract gay shoppers as it expands its presence in urban centers.

By entering into a partnership with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce this week, the company "is making a very sincere effort to reach out to people who are a significant part of our customer base," Wal-Mart spokesman Bob McAdam said Wednesday.

"I am proud of that effort," he said.

But Wal-Mart did not issue a news release about the alliance, leaving the chamber to announce it. And as news of the partnership trickles out, a backlash is taking shape among some conservatives.

"I don't think this is something that will sell on Main Street America, where most Wal-Mart stores are located," said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, a conservative public policy group in Washington. "I don't think cheap prices on goods from China will be enough to stop a rollback in their customer base if they choose to go down this aisle."

By partnering with a gay business group, Wal-Mart is "validating the idea that homosexual activists have the right to shake down corporations out of fear of being called bigots," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture and Family Institute at Concerned Women for America, a Washington-based public policy group.

More urban stores

In April, the retailer announced a strategy to increase its presence in urban areas. Over the next two years, it plans to build more than 50 stores in neighborhoods with high crime or unemployment rates, on sites that are environmentally contaminated, or in vacant buildings or malls in need of revitalization.

Among them is a store under construction in Atlanta at I-75 and Howell Mill Road, on the site of the old Castlegate Hotel. The store is expected to open in early 2007.

The alliance with the business group is not expected to bring a visible influx of gay-oriented merchandise to Wal-Mart stores. McAdam said the specific purpose of the partnership is to help Wal-Mart attract and hire a diverse array of suppliers, including gays and lesbians.

Though it obtains much of its merchandise from overseas suppliers, the world's largest retailer also uses many local firms to provide services, such as landscaping, architectural designing, painting and much more, he said.

Justin Nelson, co-founder and president of the 4-year-old gay business coalition, said he was certain that objections from conservatives would not cause Wal-Mart, headquartered in Bentonville, Ark., to back away from his organization. Wal-Mart initiated the partnership, he said, and "it's a rock-solid relationship."

In recent months, as his group and Wal-Mart have discussed their possible relationship, "it was brought up that religious zealots would make these hateful comments," he said. Wal-Mart executives persuaded chamber officials they would remain resolute, he said.

Nelson said that while Wal-Mart may start taking flak from the right, he expects it from the left. Many liberal groups say the company fails to provide its 1.3 million U.S. workers with adequate wages and benefits.

Jeremy Bishop, program director of Pride at Work, a constituency group within the AFL-CIO labor federation, said Wal-Mart should not expect the support of gay shoppers when it does not offer domestic partnership benefits for its gay workers.

"This community is really social justice-minded," Bishop said. "It won't be fooled by this."

McAdam said Wal-Mart has an anti-discrimination policy covering sexual orientation and is considering offering domestic partnership benefits.

Wal-Mart is evaluating its gay-related policies in discussions with groups such as the Human Rights Campaign and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, he said.

Ken Pearson, chairman of PRIDE, a group for Wal-Mart's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered employees, said he has found that "Wal-Mart is very fair-minded."

He said that as the company weighs domestic partnership benefits, "the officers are very willing to listen," he said. "I would not have stuck around for 10 years if I thought Wal-Mart treated employees unfairly. The needle has a ways to go, but we are making positive progress."

Outreach efforts

Wal-Mart started reaching out to gay groups in the past year, he said.

Perhaps the most visible sign came in early April when Wal-Mart began selling DVDs of "Brokeback Mountain," a movie about a love affair between two male ranchers. The company continued to sell the DVDs despite protests from some conservatives.

Also, McAdam confirmed that Wal-Mart had hired Bob Witeck, chief executive officer of Witeck-Combs Communications, a Washington-based communications firm that specializes in reaching gay consumers.

Witeck was in Bentonville in mid-April when Wal-Mart held its annual two-day conference for journalists.


Last penny they'll ever see from me. And since when does a choice of sexual partner warrant a fucking Chamber of Commerce?
Professur said:

Last penny they'll ever see from me. And since when does a choice of sexual partner warrant a fucking Chamber of Commerce?

Any group of businesses can create a Chamber of Commerce. As long as they agree that they have something in common and want to work together to support themselves. Dog owners can form a chamber of commerce if they so choose.
An organization of business people designed to advance the interests of its members

Jewish owned companies do it, Chinese owned companies do it, women-owned etc...

Like it or not, there are a lot of homosexuals who own their own businesses and if Walmart wants to gain an extra bit of marketshare and save money by setting up a coop with this CoC, then so be it.
MrBishop said:
Like it or not, there are a lot of homosexuals who own their own businesses and if Walmart wants to gain an extra bit of marketshare and save money by setting up a coop with this CoC, then so be it.

Like I said

Last penny they'll ever see from me.

And I'll wager I can get more people to walk away from them, than they've attacted.
Professur said:
Like I said

And I'll wager I can get more people to walk away from them, than they've attacted.
Is your "r" not working? one of your other posts was missing it in surprised too,or is it just coincidence?
Professur said:
And I'll wager I can get more people to walk away from them, than they've attacted.
I'll wager that most people don't hear about this, those that do either don't give a flying fuck one way or the other as long as they can buy cheap goods, and those that walk away will walk back as soon as their kid needs diapers or they want to buy some movie, clothes etc...and they realize that their pocketbook often talks louder than their convictions.

As for what they gain? :shrug: A new niche market that they can try and exploit.
WalMart is making a very sincere effort to run every competitor imaginable out of business. When they do, let's see how low those prices are. They're already higher than KMart here.

I refuse to shop at WalMart. For the second time in my life. I boycotted them (among others) for over 12 years once, then relented. Never again. If the wife shops there, I cannot control that. But I ain't going. I have my reasons, none of which are listed in the story at the top of this thread.
Haven't had KMart stores in several years. They closed every one of them in the state of Texas in their bankruptcy realignment. I shop at WalMart mostly out of convenience, as it is the closest grocery to my house.
Professur said:

Last penny they'll ever see from me. And since when does a choice of sexual partner warrant a fucking Chamber of Commerce?

I avoid the place too. Although I can't imagine a company's lack of bigotry as a reason not to shop somewhere.
Two questions, Spike. Are you fully aware of my position and opinions on gays and homosexuals. And did you just imply that I'm a bigot.

No rush. Think them through before replying.
Bigot: Person extremely intolerant of others and irrespective of reasoning.
A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.

From Wikipedia.

Professur said:
Thank you, Bish. I'm not quite sure what your point was, but thanks anyways.
Well... if you two are going to have it out, I might as well present the weapons for inspection before the duel begins, eh.

Bigot has been and continues to be one of the more badly interpreted and misused words in the English dictionary... right after Ironic.
SouthernN'Proud said:
And wikipedia remains as reliable a source as the National Inquirer.
From the Oxford Dictionary : bigoted |?big?tid| adjective obstinately convinced of the superiority or correctness of one's own opinions and prejudiced against those who hold different opinions : a bigoted group of reactionaries. • expressing or characterized by prejudice and intolerance : a thoughtless and bigoted article.

Pretty damn close, if you ask me. :shrug: