Here's a wild guess...
Governor and Secretary of Treasury: samb0nium
Fix-it Guy and Secretary of Headbangery: fury
Our Lord and Secretary of Saviority: Gee, umm... that's a tough one... GOD ALMIGHTY, maybe?
Enforcer and Secretary of Being a "Justin": Justintime
Enforcer and Secretary of Fdurnkity: Luis G
Enforcer and Secretary of Quietness: outside looking in
Enforcer and Secretary of Chocomochareasterosity: ris
Enforcer and Secretary of Using the

Smilie (sorry, couldn't think of anything else

): Leslie
Sheriff and Secretary of Bitchslapping: nalani
Sexy Deputy and Head Bitchslap Cheerleader: Nixy
Hot Mama and Secretary of Being a Regular Citizen: kuulani
Secretary of Being a Little

Fuck: LastLegionary
Secretary of Spamming: Scanty
Secretary of All Things Green: greenfreak
Head Headbanging Advocate and Secretary of Quitting Smoking: PuterTutor
Secretary of Home LAN's: HomeLAN
Secretary of Not Laughing: Stop Laughing
Secretary of Being Sneaky and Upright: Gato_Solo
If I think of any more, I'll be sure to update it