if this is the Town Hall ..

Here's a wild guess...

Governor and Secretary of Treasury: samb0nium

Fix-it Guy and Secretary of Headbangery: fury

Our Lord and Secretary of Saviority: Gee, umm... that's a tough one... GOD ALMIGHTY, maybe?

Enforcer and Secretary of Being a "Justin": Justintime

Enforcer and Secretary of Fdurnkity: Luis G

Enforcer and Secretary of Quietness: outside looking in

Enforcer and Secretary of Chocomochareasterosity: ris

Enforcer and Secretary of Using the :confuse3: Smilie (sorry, couldn't think of anything else :eek: ): Leslie

Sheriff and Secretary of Bitchslapping: nalani

Sexy Deputy and Head Bitchslap Cheerleader: Nixy

Hot Mama and Secretary of Being a Regular Citizen: kuulani

Secretary of Being a Little :gay: Fuck: LastLegionary

Secretary of The Brow and Spamming: Scanty

Secretary of All Things Green: greenfreak

Head Headbanging Advocate and Secretary of Quitting Smoking: PuterTutor

Secretary of Home LAN's: HomeLAN

Secretary of Not Laughing: Stop Laughing

Secretary of Being Sneaky and Upright: Gato_Solo

If I think of any more, I'll be sure to update it :headbang:

edit: Scanty has been "promoted" to Secretary of The Brow and Spamming :headbang:
greenfreak said:
:rolleyes: :coffee: :bottle: :p :bgtup: :bgpimp: :bgpile: :bgking: :asshole2: :asshole: :angel: :crying6: :dizzy: :eek9: :explode: :fart: :fett: :grinch: :grinno: :grinyes: :gun5: :hat: :jump: :knob: :ladysman: :mischief: :nudge: *poke2* :retard7: :sick: :sick2: :sick3: :sick4: :smash3: :smoke: :spock: :tank: :wnknudge: *punch* :sick5: :utbiorif: :utmgun: :utplasma: :headbng2:


:rolleyes: :coffee: :gay: :bottle: :p :bgtup: :bgpimp::gay: :bgpile: :bgking: :asshole2: :gay: :asshole: :angel: :crying6: :dizzy: :eek9: :explode: :fart::gay: :fett: :grinch::gay: :grinno: :grinyes: :gun5: :hat: :jump: :kiss: :gay: :knob: :ladysman: :mischief: :nudge: *poke2*:gay: :retard7: :sick: :sick2: :sick3: :sick4: :smash3: :smoke: :spock: :tank: :wnknudge: *punch* :sick5: :utbiorif::gay: :utmgun: :utplasma: :headbng2:
fury said:
Here's a wild guess...

Governor and Secretary of Treasury: samb0nium

Fix-it Guy and Secretary of Headbangery: fury

Our Lord and Secretary of Saviority: Gee, umm... that's a tough one... GOD ALMIGHTY, maybe?

Enforcer and Secretary of Being a "Justin": Justintime

Enforcer and Secretary of Fdurnkity: Luis G

Enforcer and Secretary of Quietness: outside looking in

Enforcer and Secretary of Chocomochareasterosity: ris

Enforcer and Secretary of Using the :confuse3: Smilie (sorry, couldn't think of anything else :eek: ): Leslie

Sheriff and Secretary of Bitchslapping: nalani

Sexy Deputy and Head Bitchslap Cheerleader: Nixy

Hot Mama and Secretary of Being a Regular Citizen: kuulani

Secretary of Being a Little :gay: Fuck: LastLegionary

Secretary of Spamming: Scanty

Secretary of All Things Green: greenfreak

Head Headbanging Advocate and Secretary of Quitting Smoking: PuterTutor

Secretary of Home LAN's: HomeLAN

Secretary of Not Laughing: Stop Laughing

Secretary of Being Sneaky and Upright: Gato_Solo

If I think of any more, I'll be sure to update it :headbang:

Why is my name not on that list? :crying3: ?
And don't start with that goat-related stuff again :D

[edit: shaddap ris :D]
fury is DA' MAN here, im just a behind the scenes guy here.

So "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

:headbang: :headbang:
Head Headbanging Advocate and Secretary of Quitting Smoking: PuterTutor

I'm just so. Sniff. Proud.

Thank you. :headbang:
Secretary of Not Laughing? C'mon, you can do better than that. Someone named an improv comedy troupe after me! (OK, maybe not, but is it REALLY a coincidence? :D )

[Rodney Dangerfield voice]Night shifters get no respect, no respect, I tell ya![/Rodney Dangerfield voice]. :D