if god made the earth and all its attributed crap in a week then he's had bags of time to sit about making all kinds of funky stuff elsewhere. in green. with little ray guns.
Jeslek said:And angels are not aliens to us?freako104 said:i had thought the bible said that humans were alone except for angels and god?
Justintime said:soil in her language was called Earth
He made it to Narnia, so why not other places?outside looking in said:For Christians:
Do aliens have original sin? Did Christ go to multiple planets and die multiple times? Or perhaps there are multiple Christs? Do aliens go to heaven? If we meet aliens, should we spread the gospel to them?
Just curious. Seriously. I think this topic is fascinating.
Gonz said:It would have a huge affect. It decidedly throws a wrench into the entire religious process. On the other hand, religious leaders would twist it to their advantage.